Room 4

Yearly Youth Town Hall Survey 2021

Directions for Room 4

This room usually takes about 15 minutes.

In this room, we are asking you to take a survey.

It takes most people about 15 minutes and is 13 pages long. Your answers are completely anonymous. Answering these questions helps us make the case for policy and systems changes in our county.

Before you start (the adult host can read this part)

  • Please note that this survey includes questions that some people may find upsetting, including issues surrounding substance misuse, sexual assault, relationship violence, depression and self-harm. Please skip questions you do not feel comfortable answering and remember that you are welcome to ask for help, leave or take a break at any time. We would appreciate it if you would please check in the "main" meeting room in Zoom to tell us you are taking a break. Also, there are some resources at the bottom of the page if you feel like you could use some support regarding these, or other, issues.

Just to reiterate: Your answers are completely, 100% anonymous. Please click on the survey link below.

The survey will come up in another window.

    • Results will not be shared below for this set of questions, like they were in the previous two pages.

    • You will have 15 minutes to complete the survey, or longer if you need more time. Please be quiet during this time. Please go to the help desk in the main room with any questions you might have.

Okay, go ahead and click on the survey.

This survey includes questions that some people may find upsetting, including issues surrounding substance misuse, sexual assault, relationship violence, depression and self-harm. Please skip questions you do not feel comfortable answering and remember that you are welcome to ask for help, leave or take a break at any time.

Please click the button above. A new window will open. This survey is done on RedCap to protect your privacy. When you are done, please write down the animal name you are given and close the window.