Room 2

Alcohol Access

Directions for Room 2

This room usually takes about 10 minutes.

This room is asking you about how you see youth get alcohol from adults in Jeffco.

    • In previous town halls, youth have said that teens have easy access to alcohol.

    • Basically, we'd like to know more about how and why adults are giving it to younger people.

What are your thoughts?

    • First, there are 6 questions on the Mentimeter section.

      • You have 5 minutes to complete it. Please be quiet during this time. Use the chat for questions.

      • If you have extra time, take a look at the answers coming in live at the bottom of the page.

      • Please note: You are answering these questions for people your age, in general, not necessarily about your own personal experiences. Also note: your answers on the Mentimeters are anonymous.

    • Second, you are done with the Mentimeter, we will have a 4 minute discussion, topic below.

Okay, go ahead and start the Mentimeter questions!

Topic for a 4-minutes discussion.

    • The adult host will be writing down what you say and type in the chat., but they won't put your names in their notes.

    • You can unmute and share or add thoughts to the chat.

    • If no one starts talking, I'm going to call on someone!

Here is our question. When, where & with whom do most youth drink more than a few sips of alcohol for the first time?

First, answer the Mentimeter questions! You have 5 minutes.

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Then, if you have time, you can see the results!