Room 1


Welcome to the 2021 Jeffco CTC Youth Town Hall!

We are glad you are willing to provide your insights and ideas to improve our community. You will spend the next hour in a Zoom breakout group with one of our townhall hosts.

Directions for Room 1

This room usually takes about 10 minutes.

Hello everyone!

    • If you've been to one of our town halls in the past, please give us a thumbs up. Whether it's your first time, or you have never missed one, we are glad you are here.

        • If you want to know about more great ways to get involved (and earn money) follow us on instagram @jeffco_ctc

    • Please help us take attendance (so we can you a gift card for spending an hour with us) by (1) changing your Zoom name to be the name you registered with-- and by (2) turning your camera on and keeping it on the whole time so we know you are still here.

    • You might be curious about why are we having a town hall. The insights, opinion and perspectives you shared tonight will be used to:

  • Improve the website

  • Create a policy proposal asking local mayors and others to create more teen spaces.

  • Create better, more fair, systems for prevention adults from helping youth use alcohol.

  • Working with Jeffco Schools to improve their policies.

Now, for introductions!

    • My name is ____. I am a Jeffco CTC youth interns, along with ______, your other youth host.

    • I'd like to introduce our adult host, too, _______.

    • Now, please introduce yourselves in the chat.

      • Please introduce yourself in the chat with your

          1. Your name (again, the one you registered with so the co-host can find you on our list)

          2. Your pronouns

          3. Your school

Now let's talk about what we are going to do for the next hour.

      • If you haven't already, please log into the townhall website. I'll put the link in the chat, and go to the Welcome page.

      • If you scroll down on the Welcome page, you will see the "rooms" on this website we will be going through. Before we start doing that, though, our adult host has some information for you.

      • A few things for you to know (this part is for the adult co-host to explain):

        • Included in this town hall are questions that some people may find upsetting, including issues surrounding substance misuse, sexual assault, relationship violence, depression and self-harm. Please skip questions you do not feel comfortable answering and remember that you are welcome to ask for help, leave or take a break at any time by exiting to the main room of the Zoom meeting. Should you want to speak to a professional about feelings or issues that arise, we have several options for you listed at the bottom of all the pages.

        • Please also note that many of the adults at this town hall are mandatory reporters. Should you indicate that you have been harmed or hurt, or may harm or hurt someone (including yourself), they are bound by law to report that information to authorities.

        • Having said that, when you answer survey questions, your answers come back to us without an identifier, which means answers to survey questions are anonymous.

      • Next, I would like to tell you our plans for the next hour your will spend at the town hall.

            1. We are going to go to 6 rooms on this website, this is the first one.

            2. Each room will include a way for you to provide your thoughts on a topic.

            3. Most rooms will take around 5 - 10 minutes or so, but a few are longer.

            4. In room 6, you will get your $20 gift card.

            5. There is a virtual "help desk" in the main room of the Zoom meeting. Visit the help desk with any questions you might have-- or if you want to take a break for any reason.

Room Descriptions

Room 1:

Ideas for places for teens

This is the introduction page. Just listen.

This room is asking you about how you have seen youth get alcohol from adults in Jeffco.

We are thinking of asking policy makers to create more "places" for teens to hang out, get help, and have events. What are your ideas?

Every year, we give youth at our townhall a survey about substance misuse, interpersonal violence, who they turn to, and how they cope. The survey takes about 15 minutes.

In this room, you will send your parent or guardian a (very short) survey regarding their opinions on alcohol and marijuana for them to fill out.

In this room, you will fill out the information needed to get your $20 gift card.

Notes: Your answers to questions will remain anonymous. Please complete all the activities to receive a gift card.