Room 3

A Place for Teens

Directions for Room 3

This room is about how our community can provide more and better spaces for teens.

    • We are hoping to convince Jefferson County decision makers to create a lot of these spaces, but we want to be able to tell them exactly the types of things teens in our community want and need.

    • By "place for teen" we mean spaces designated in existing buildings for teens to hang out with each other, have events, and have an informal, safe space to get access to things (help, resources, support) that they might want or need.

So, what are your thoughts?

These directions are just like the last page. Does the group need them read out loud again?

    • First, there are several questions on the Mentimeter section.

      • You have 5 minutes to complete it. Please be quiet during this time. Use the chat for questions.

      • If you have extra time, take a look at the answers coming in live at the bottom of the page.

      • Please note: You are answering these questions for people your age, in general, not necessarily about your own personal experiences. Also note: your answers on the Mentimeters are anonymous.

    • Second, you are done with the Mentimeter, we will have a 4 minute discussion, topic below. You can unmute and share or add thoughts to the chat.

Okay, go ahead and start the Mentimeter questions!

This room usually takes about 10 minutes.

Topic for a 4-minutes discussion.

    • The adult host will be writing down what you say and type in the chat., but they won't put your names in their notes.

    • You can unmute and share or add thoughts to the chat.

    • If no one starts talking, I'm going to call on someone!

Here is the question: What are your ideas for creating places that youth could spend time together, have events, and get access to things they might want or need?

First take the survey!

Not working? Try this link instead:

Then see the results!