Intensify Cleaning, Disinfection, and Ventilation

Bonsall Unified School District

School Reopening Task Force

Category 5: Intensify Cleaning, Disinfection and Ventilation

Section 11. All drinking fountains have been disabled. (Refillable water bottle stations are being used where installed.)

Section 12. Each school in the Bonsall Unified School has developed plans that describe how frequently-touched surfaces within the school will be cleaned and disinfected at least daily, and as practicable frequently throughout the day by trained staff. Frequently touched surfaces include:

a. Door handles

b. Light switches

c. Sink handles

d. Bathroom surfaces

e. Tables

f. Student Desks

g. Chairs

Section 13. The Bonsall Unified School District has modified existing cleaning protocols that are incorporated in plans developed that describe how:

a. Frequently-touched surfaces on school buses will be cleaned and disinfected at least daily, and as practicable frequently throughout the day by trained staff

b. Buses will be thoroughly cleaned after transporting any individual who is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 following the Cal/OSHA guidelines.

c. Bus drivers are provided disinfectant wipes and disposable gloves to support disinfection of frequently touched surfaces during the day.

Section 14. The Bonsall Unified School District plan for cleaning and sanitation incorporates the following elements:

a. When choosing cleaning products, use those approved for use against COVID-19 on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved list “N” and follow product instructions.

b. To reduce the risk of asthma related to disinfecting, programs should aim to select disinfectant products on list N with asthma-safer ingredients (hydrogen peroxide, citric acid or lactic acid).

c. Avoid products that mix these ingredients with peroxyacetic (peracetic) acid, sodium hypochlorite (bleach) or quaternary ammonium compounds, which can cause asthma.

d. Use disinfectants labeled to be effective against emerging viral pathogens, following label directions for appropriate dilution rates and contact times. Provide employees training on manufacturer’s directions, on Cal/OSHA requirements for safe use and as required by the Healthy Schools Act, as applicable.

e. Custodial staff with the responsibility of cleaning and disinfecting the school site are equipped with proper protective equipment, including gloves, eye protection, respiratory protection and other appropriate protective equipment as required by the product instructions. All products are kept out of children’s reach and stored in a space with restricted access.

f. Establish a cleaning and disinfecting schedule in order to avoid both under- and over-use of cleaning products.

The Bonsall Unified School District will consider installing portable, high-efficiency air cleaners, upgrading building air filters to the highest efficiency possible, and making other modifications to increase the quantity of outside air and ventilation in classrooms, offices and other spaces.