Day 4

Series Five

Series Five - Land Series

August 22, 2019

Report composed by Bill Marshall

Delayed quad

Mainly sunny day.

#1 right bird 94 yds, #2 middle bird (shot from line) 36 yds, #3 left bird 93yds landing tight to bush line. Dog picks up any 2 marks, returns and once in heel position another right bird #4, 33 yds shot from line.

#2 & #3 landing in line.

Ran 3 test dogs as 2nd had difficulty.

Start 10:30am

Starting dog was #16 Hero handled by Pierre Girard.

Most dogs took short #2 bird first, even though some were driving towards #1. The scent turned them quickly and would come back on the short bird. On the long right bird #1 , some dogs angled towards winger station at #1 and had to work it out and over to the right. If they got deep enough they would pick up the scent. A few went too far left and got hung up on the blind location and had to be handled.

Very many nice performances.

After marks, dogs went back into holding blind, bird planted (114yds) and handler/dog were called back up. Same point of origin, blind backside of winger #2. Up slight hill left of winger #1.

Some dogs got close to spruce or almost around bush and had to be handled back on line. Nice work. Finished at 1:30.

Dogs dropped were #8, #20, #22, #25

Series 6 Water series & Blind

Starting dog will be #21 Sparks handled by Janice Gunn

Caravan departs 7:30pm.