Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. MÉXICO Y SEDES INTERNACIONALES

RELACSO. Revista Estudiantil Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. Tienen convocatoria abierta todo el año.

PERFILES LATINOAMERICANOS. Revista FLACSO. Tienen dos publicaciones al año, consulta las directrices.

L@b de M. Laboratorio de Medios FLACSO. Convocatoria permanente para publicación en cuadernos de la UMIE.

Investigación en FLACSO.

Libros abiertos.

• Diplomados Internacionales en línea.

Diplomado Internacional en Políticas Públicas: procesos y aplicaciones

Inicio: 29 de abril

Duración: 120 horas, del 29 de abril al 31 de agosto.

Inversión: $5,000.00 M.N.

Informes: diplomado.politicas@flacso.edu.mx

Diplomado Internacional en Comunicación Política Estratégica

Inicio: 29 de abril

Duración: 120 horas, del 29 de abril al 31 de agosto. Jueves 18-20 hr. Sábados 10-12 hr.


- Un solo pago: $20,000.00 M.N. Antes del 15 de mayo aplica 15% de descuento.

- Tres pagos: 1. $5,000.00 M.N. por concepto de inscripción al inicio del curso. 2. $7,500.00 M.N. al 31 de mayo. 3. $7,500.00 M.N. al 31 de julio.

Coordinadora: Georgina Flores-Ivich

Informes: diplomado.comunicacion@flacso.edu.mx

Summer School IPSA - FLACSO México.

6ta. Edición en modalidad virtual de la escuela de verano.


SHORT COURSES from august 16 to 27th. (una semana)

The two weeks prior to the Summer School, we offer short courses on selected social science research topics. They are intended as an introduction to relevant topics on methods and techniques, but can also be useful as a first approach to some of the IPSA courses.

Inversión: estudiantes $4,000.00 M.N. Público en general $5,500.00 M.N. hasta el 5 de octubre.

- Spatial Analysis in QGIS. This course’s objective is to provide the know-how to analyze data and create maps with the QGIS program, which is the most well-known open platform within the Geographic Information Systems. By this system, it is possible to visualize information, measure accessibility to services, create heat maps and generate products ready to be included in journals, theses, or any type of printed or digital publication.

Teacher: Baruch Sangines.

Date: October 12th to 16th

Schedule: 10:00 - 13:00

Language: Spanish.

- Digital Etnography. In this course, you will learn to design and implement strategies based on digital ethnography in onlife fieldwork scenarios. Likewise, social practices and the symbolic construction of culture on the Internet will be examined. Through digital ethnography, students will identify the main actors and power relations that intervene in contemporary digital culture.

Teacher: Karina Bárcenas.

Date: October 12th to 16th

Schedule: 14:00 - 17:00

Language: Spanish.

- Introduction to stata. Stata is a resourceful statistical package for data analysis. Due to its manageable interface, it has become one of the most adopted software across disciplines. Do you want to master this program from scratch? In this course, you will learn Stata's key commands for data management, descriptive analysis, and data visualization. No prior statistical or programming knowledge required.

Teacher: Ulises Flores.

Date: October 12th to 16th

Schedule: 14:00 - 17:00

Language: Spanish.

- Data Story Telling. Do you want to better communicate your research results? Would you like to learn how to tell stories out of your data? Storytelling is a technique based on the art of creating narratives to engage people with information. Applied to data analysis, storytelling will give voice to your data so you may translate your analysis into effective messages. In this course, you will learn to tell stories out of data, identify what makes a story memorable, and use several free-access software to explore, manage, and present your information.

Teacher: Georgina Flores Ivich.

Date: October 12th to 16th

Schedule: 17:00 - 20:00

Language: Spanish.

- Introduction to R. R is one of the most employed programming languages in social research and its popularity has grown significantly in recent years. Besides, the R software is free, which means that it can be openly modified and used for any purpose. Do you want to learn to program in this language from scratch? Through this course, you will acquire everything you need to get started. No prior statistical or programming knowledge required.

Teacher: Julio César Martínez.

Date: October 12th to 16th

Schedule: 10:00 - 13:00

Language: Spanish.

- Comparative politics: Latin America. In this course, the last fifty years of political change in Latin America will be reviewed. From a comparison between two or more countries within the region, you will learn about the latest authoritarian regimes of the twentieth century, democratic transitions, market reforms, ideological shifts, and the populist phenomenon, among other topics. At the end of the course, you will have a perspective of change and continuity in the political systems of the entire Latin American region.

Teacher: Nicolás Loza.

Date: October 12th to 16th

Schedule: 10:00 - 13:00

Language: Spanish.

- Text analysis with Python. Python is a powerful open-source programming language used for data science and statistical analysis. This course is an introduction to Python and the fundamental tools applied in text-analysis.

The plan of study will first review the basics of the software from its installation to its primary functions and expressions. As sessions develop, students will learn to manage the most familiar text data types and to utilize different Python libraries such as Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn. No prior knowledge of Python required.

Teacher: Mitchell Valdes.

Date: October 12, 13, 14 and 16th from 17 to 20 hr. Octubre 15th, from 10 to 13 hr.

Language: Spanish.

- Qualitative and Mixed Methods in political economy. You will learn strategies for research problem definition in qualitative studies, case selection techniques, information collection, and analysis methods, among other things. The course will be based on methodological texts and examples of comparative political economy studies.

Teacher: Alejandra Armesto.

Date: October from 12 to 16th and from 19 to 23th

Schecule: 17:00 - 20:00 hr.

Language: Spanish.

- Statistical Analysis with R. This course will give you the foundations for data analysis with the R programming language. Course contents cover from basic inferential statistics and measures of association to applied linear regression analysis.

Teacher: Julio César Martínez.

Date: October from 19 to 23th

Schecule: 10:00 - 13:00 hr.

Language: Spanish.

- Public Opinion Data Analysis. This course analyzes in theoretical and empirical terms the phenomenon of public opinion and how it manifests itself in contemporary democracies. In the first part the process of public opinion formation and related theories are analyzed and discussed. In addition, the methodological advantages and limits of public opinion measurements are highlighted. The second part contains an empirical emphasis. Therefore, through the analysis of several existing surveys, methodological issues related to surveys are explored and demonstrated with the support of the Stata software.

Teacher: Isaac Cisneros Yescas.

Date: October from 19 to 23th

Schecule: 10:00 - 13:00 hr.

Language: Spanish.

- Network Analysis with Python. This course is designed as an introduction to network construction, analysis, and visualization in Python. Participants will learn about measures on networks at the individual and aggregate levels, as well as flow, diffusion and formation models used in network analysis.

Teacher: Mitchel Valdés.

Date: October 19, 20, 21 and 27th from 17 to 20 hr. Octubre 22nd, from 10 to 13 hr.

Language: Spanish.

- Statistical Analysis with Stata. Are you interested in regression analysis and interpretation? This course will improve your understanding of the fundamentals of linear and logistic regression techniques as well as the mathematical assumptions they are based on. While learning the commands used in regression analysis you will also improve your handling of the statistical package.

Teacher: Ulises Flores.

Date: October from 19 to 23th

Schecule: 14:00 - 17:00 hr.

Language: Spanish.

- Political Discourse and Narrative Analysis. Do you want to analyze political discourse and narratives? In this course, you will learn to do so by applying the most up-to-date methods and tools of content analysis and research in political science. You will as well learn about the political narratives employed to persuade the public and establish political and ideological positions. Best of all: it is a program that combines theory and practice, so you will learn to work with the ATLAS.ti and NVivo software and analyze data of your interest. No prior statistical or programming knowledge required.

Teacher: Tomislav Lendo.

Date: October from 19 to 23th

Schecule: 14:00 - 17:00 hr.

Language: Spanish.

- How to read and process gender data in R. Mexican public data on gender is endless. Many reliable sources of information are available but, to be able to use them, it is necessary to master certain data analysis skills. This course will teach you to interpret, handle and analyze gender data with the R programming language. Additionally, you will learn how censuses and surveys concerning gender issues work.

Teacher: Georgina Jiménez & Mariana Solano.

Date: October from 19 to 23th

Schecule: 17:00 - 20:00 hr.

Language: Spanish.

- Public Security Data Analysis. Public safety has become one of the main concerns of Mexican citizens. Are you interested in handling and analyzing this kind of data? Would you like to understand this phenomenon's dimensions and levels? Do you want to know how the indicators work? This course combines theory and practice to approach the different sources of the existing official public safety data. You will learn about official records, victimization and perception surveys, as well as some elements of georeferencing. Familiarity with the R programming language is desired but not mandatory, so this course works better if taken jointly with Introduction to R.

Teacher: Horacio Ortíz.

Date: October from 19 to 23th

Schecule: 17:00 - 20:00 hr.

Language: Spanish.

IPSA COURSES from august 30th to september 3rd. (dos semanas)

The Summer School program lasts two weeks and classes will be offered only via online delivery. Courses will be supplemented by two additional hours of computer lab sessions where specific software use will be acquired. The participants will have the opportunity to receive individualized advice on their specific needs related to their research interests. Furthermore, every afternoon our professors will impart lectures in which participants will discover how different methodologies are applied to answer research questions on specific and substantial issues.

Inversión: estudiantes USD 345. Público en general USD 535 hasta el 5 de octubre.

- Quantitative Methods for public policy analysis. This course introduces participants to major basic concepts and tools for quantitative evaluation of public policies. Among the many concepts used by specialists of causal reasoning and policy evaluation, the following will be clarified: counterfactual, potential outcomes, quasi-experiment, treatment effect, and before-after effect. The course will show how statistical methods can be useful to address problems and to create a formal framework for quasi-experimental reasoning. The basics of regression models will be presented in relationship to testing the effect of « treatment » (like a policy change or to be exposed to political reforms).

Teacher: Bruno Cautrés.

Date: October 26th to November 6th, 2020

Schedule: 9:00 - 12:00

Lab Sessions: 13:00- 15:00

Language: Taught in English.

- Qualitative - Comparative Analysis (QCA) and fuzzy sets. This course introduces participants to set-theoretic methods and their application in the social sciences with a focus on Qualitative Comparative Analysis. The course starts out by familiarizing students with the basic concepts of the underlying methodological perspective, among them the central notions of necessity and sufficiency, formal logic and Boolean algebra. From there, we move to the logic and analysis of truth tables and discuss the most important problems that emerge when this analytical tool is used for exploring social science data.

Teacher: Iona-Elena Oana.

Date: October 26th to November 6th, 2020

Schedule: 9:00 - 12:00

Lab Sessions: 13:00- 15:00

Language: Taught in English.

- Modern Regretion Analysis. This course is designed to take students with a minimal background in statistics and mathematics and teach them the tools that they need to test their theories and produce presentations of their results for the top journals in Political Science, International Relations, Public Policy, and other related disciplines. Students are encouraged to bring their own datasets so that they can get hands-on experiences with applying the techniques covered in this course.

Teacher: Laron K. Williams.

Date: October 26th to November 6th, 2020

Schedule: 9:00 - 12:00

Lab Sessions: 13:00- 15:00

Language: Taught in English.

- Mixed Methods and Case Study Research. The course will start with an overview of the qualitative and quantitative methods used in the social sciences, and with an introduction into the basic ideas of mixed methods research. Next, some often discussed “background theories” on the nature of social reality and on fitting research approaches will be discussed.

Teacher: Werner J. Patzelt.

Date: October 26th to November 6th, 2020

Schedule: 9:00 - 12:00

Lab Sessions: 13:00- 15:00

Language: Taught in English.


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