
Connect Fractions

Use a Connect Four game to play this fraction game simply by putting one unit fraction on each of the pieces. You can label pieces with 1/3, 1/4, 1/5.  The objective is to match the fractions themselves as well as your colors. For example, the player using red 1/4 would need four red 1/4 in a row to win while the player using yellow 1/3 would only need three yellow 1/3 in a row to win, This game helps students see that the denominator is the unit and the numerator counts. For example, 1/3 + 1/3 +1/3 = 3/3 or 1 whole to win! 

Fraction War

This game is like playing the card game War but with fractions! Players deal two cards for their numerator and a denominator with a pencil between them,. The players determine whose fraction is the largest. The winner keeps all four cards and the winner is determined by who has the most cards when all have been claimed.