Online Safety & Etiquette

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Email Etiquette

Basic email etiquette is:

1. Write a short (3-5 words) subject line to let the reader know what the email is about.

2. Begin with a greeting, such as:

Good morning,

Hello Mr./Mrs. _________,

Students please greet the teacher using Mr./Ms./Mrs. _________________,

3. Get to the point plus add a few details if needed.

4. Closing, such as:

Thank you in advance,

Thank you,

Best Regards,



Hope your day/week/weekend goes well,

5. Sign your name

**Please avoid or be careful with:

● All capital letters and red font (These are associated with yelling.)

● Overuse of exclamation marks (These can make the email seem too excited.)

● Text speak/typing

● Tone (Reread your email to yourself and see how it sounds. If you are upset/angry wait until you are calm to write the email).