Google Classroom

Remember, you can find Google Classroom by clicking on the "waffle," at the top right corner of your Google screen.

Click on any topic below to see more information.

Join Google Classes as a Guardian

Ask your child's teacher or administrator to invite you as a guardian in their classes. Guardians cannot see class content or student work. Instead guardians will get a daily or weekly email listing any assignments that are missing or coming due for their child. Click on the link below for more information.

Get Classroom email summaries (for guardians)

Join Google Classes as a Student

There are a few different ways to join your teacher's Google Classroom, and they all work great. Just pick the one that's easiest for you.

These are the ways you can join:

  • With a class code

  • With an invite link

  • With an email link

Click on the link below for directions on all three ways to join.

Join a class as a student

How to See What's Assigned to You

You can see a list of assignments for each class in two ways.

First, go to your Google Classroom dashboard. (Use the waffle.)

The pictures included here show where to click to see a list of assignments. Click on either on To-do in the upper left corner or on the clipboard icon for each class.

Use the link below for more detailed directions.

See your work for a class

How to Turn in Assignments in Google Classroom

Click on this link for directions on how to submit an assignment. If you continue to have trouble, email your teacher for assistance. They can either help you learn to use Google classroom or help you find another solution.

Turn in an assignment