What is Choice Led Health?

It is important to allow students options for them to show me what they know. Forcing students into a "one size fits all" assignment, decreases creativity, stunts their imagination, and simply isn't equitable.

With Choice Led Health, students are given a variety of options to choose from and numerous ways to express themselves in an effort to reach every type of learner.

Mind Mapping

Information is shared through the use of Mind Maps. When we have a lesson, it's more of a conversation, designed to solicit ideas, suggestions, and viewpoints from every student.

These conversations allow students more voice in our classroom and help create the story of their health and wellness plan.

Students will use a sketch book to create their Mind Maps and can decorate them and create them in anyway that makes it easy for them to review the information.

Disease Prevention & Health Promotion MindMaps

Example of our Disease Prevention Mind Maps