Directions to access your request:

Please follow the link to your original request:


Enter your order number from the email and the email address you used during the ordering process

Click “Track Order”  and look for a new email.  (It may look like nothing happens, but Scribbles will send you a verification link in a new email.)

Open the new email and click on the word “login”

This will take you to an order tracking page

Click on the green button that says "Add Files"

This will open a folder on your computer so you can navigate to the document you would like to upload

Select the file you would like to upload and click "Open"

The name of the selected document will pop up on on the "Track Order Progress" page.  Click the arrow in the box next to the document name, select the appropriate label and click "upload"

After the document uploads, the Records Dept. will be notified and should respond within 24-48 hours.

Please note:

The VPS Records Clerk can not listen to your voice message, please do not try to communicate this way

VPS requests are never assigned to a processor, so the Order Progress Tracker will not always indicate where your request is in our system.  If it has been more than 5 days since you submitted your request, please send a message through the message system.