Awards & Recognition

Org of Excellence 

Each year, student organizations at UW-Whitewater are eligible to participate in the Organizations of Excellence program. Groups are asked to complete a number of tasks (many of which are part of the normal cycle of an organization’s year – completing recognition process on time, participating in the Involvement Fair, etc.). Organizations achieving that recognition are eligible for perks like free copies, recognition at Involvement Awards, key table placement at Involvement Fairs, and more!

Requirements and how to become Org of Excellence can be found here.

Advisor of the Year 

Campus Advisors that serve in the role voluntarily are eligible for recognition. Does your advisor go above and beyond to support your group’s activities and members? Then nominate them for the annual Advisor of the Year Award, given out at the annual Involvement Awards in early May.

Other Involvement Awards 

Each year, students and student organizations help others, compete successfully, create new opportunities for learning, and help students learn valuable skills. Recognition of these accomplishments is important! Leadership skills, Recruitment of new members, backing of campus faculty and staff, and continued growth are all supported by the recognition that comes from Involvement Awards. Student Activities & Involvement maintains several ways in which you, your organization, its advisors, and its members can be recognized across campus!

Application for Involvement Awards typically open at the beginning of spring semester every year. When they open students, faculty, and staff are contact by Student Activities & Involvement.