Frequently Asked Questions 

Below you will find frequently used policies that may answer many of the questions you have.

Room Reservations

Many spaces on campus can be reserved for a variety of reasons to help promote or support student organizations. Student Organizations can reserve one-time, weekly or bi-weekly meetings spaces. Large events are allowed throughout the semester as well. Student leaders can make reservations in the fall starting around mid- April or spring starting around mid- November. In terms of a special event that are sponsored by Student Organization or Departments which expects more than 70 attendees, please review the Special Event Policy in section 5.1.

Contacts for reserving spaces on campus:

University Center or UC Reservations

Contact Info: rooms@uww.edu | 262-472-1175 | Room: UC 153

Website: https://www.uww.edu/uc/reservations/room-request

** Reservations can be made in the following areas on campus through UC Reservations. This areas include University center, Esker and Drumlin Dining Hall, Hyland, Hyer, Heide, Winther, McGraw and McCutchan. Most commonly reserved are rooms and tables. However, you can also reserve signboards, the UC concourse, space in display cases, and outdoor mall space. 

**For reserving tables in Hyland you must contact the building manager directly


Williams Center

Contact Info: 262-472-1145 | Room: 100 Williams Center


Young Auditorium

Contact Info: youngaud@uww.edu


Building Supervisors

For additional needs within a building or if you need to reserve a space that isn't included within the areas above, reach out to individual building supervisors for support. 

Other items can also be reserved through the Involvement Office. Items offered for check out include: card swipes, board games, spin wheel, and much more!

The form to check out supplies is titled: Supply Check Out (https://uww.presence.io/form/supply-checkout-form) and is located on Connect. 

Virtual Meeting Tips

Virtual Meeting Tips


Ways to Engage Others Virtually

Run a social media contest 

You do not have to give away anything to have fun liking and sharing each other’s fun pictures,  memes, poems, etc. and running contests on whose gets the most likes.  

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/my.contests/app/155008507867572/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwx7zzBRCcARIsABPRscNX190BFUosasK8E6friRhJq-P4mozET-Ww3FMSQoiKOJ4hIOjlKQ8aAjSMEALw_wcB  

Contest ideas- https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-media-contest/ 

Make a tutorial 

Think about what your student org already offers students. Can you make a tutorial on how to plant herbs, show someone how to play DND, teach a new skill (like an instrument or a sport basic), or how  to practice self-care? 

Make a promo video 

Have your members record themselves on video, talking about: why they joined your org, what being  a member means to them, and how they are building Warhawk community. Then use a free video site  to put your video together: https://www.oberlo.com/blog/best-free-video-editing-software 

Play together: 

Jackbox games: does someone in your org already subscribe or own? No? Check it out here:  https://jackboxgames.com/ 

Other online group games: https://www.inverse.com/article/9690-the-7-best-smartphone-games-for-groups or https://www.elitedaily.com/p/6-games-you-can-play-on-zoom-for-long-distance-fun-22659780

Cups N’ Conversation 

Go Live on Facebook with a cup of coffee or tea and have a conversation about topics related to your  organization. Or suggest a short article/book to read and then share your thoughts on it with your org  members. Let people know ahead of time, so they can watch and ask you questions along the way. 

Create a poll 

Keep members engaged with meaningful or silly polls! Which of your advisor’s outfits was the best?  What presentation was most meaningful? Keep it kind and keep members engaged!