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Please contact me with any questions. The best way to reach me is by email at I am also available by phone and text messages.
Here are a few tips for a successful semester in Commercial Art.
1. Although computer programs are not required to do the assignments, I highly encourage it. Bonus points for students who try to use computer programs. There are some great computer programs out there that can make your assignments just sparkle. Go ahead and look at those free programs and try to create an graphics online! It is fun!
2. You need to sign into my Canvas. Please look at this code and follow the instructions :
This course has enabled open enrollment. Students can self-enroll in the course once I have shared with them this URL: Alternatively, students can sign up at and use the following join code: D6T8WG
Once you have finished registering into canvas- you can start the modules!
3. The canvas course is made with modules. You CAN NOT skip around. You must go in order. If Canvas does not work for you, it is because you did not click on an important page that you needed to see to get the full lesson.
4. I have some fun online programs. To be safe, I would like ALL of your parents to sign the Schools Online Program Consent form. Although, some of the programs are fine- I would like everyone to know the options and sign the consent form anyway. Please click here for the consent form
Thank you everyone!