Art History Disclosure/ Syllabus
Mrs. Amanda Campos
Google Voice: 435-849-8871
Office Hours: M-F 4PM-8PM
Welcome to Art History! I am excited to teach you this year. My name is Amanda Campos and I am at your service. Before we start please look over this disclosure. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! I will respond to you as soon as possible!
This course provides students with a survey of art throughout the history of man. It introduces art principles and instructs students to look at art within the context of which it was made- its history! Exploration of cultures, architecture, sculptures, paintings are key factors in understanding the importance of art. Art history provides essential information to our daily lives. This course will begin with the medieval period and will conclude in modern times.
Gives students an opportunity to explore different cultures
Allows students to visualize and respond to art forms
Gives students an opportunity to create and reflect their learning
All of these objectives correlate to the Utah State Standards for Visual Arts
It is important that students keep track of their learning by signing into their online platform every other day. To participate in activities, discussions, simulations, presentations and directions for clarification purposes, you (the student) will sign into Edgenuity. It is the responsibility of you, the parent/guardian to notify school officials of legitimate absences. Absences are not logging into courses every other day. Excused absences are allowed and are defined as: verified illness, medical appointments, bereavement, emergencies, pre-approved educational leave, and special family or religious events. Please email me if you have any problems so that I know that you are ok.
Materials are items that you most likely have at home. If not, they may be purchased at a local art supply store or at Wal-mart. Please contact and ask for suggestions if you have any trouble finding materials
Students have usernames and passwords. This information is private and should be only shared with your parents/guardians. To login to Edgenuity please go to https://utahonline.org/login/. Click on the Edgenuity link and sign in with your username and password. Your username and password should be given to you by the school.
Students and parents need to responsibly communicate with their teachers to be successful in an online environment. Email is best for me. My email address is acampos@utahonline.org. My office hours are Monday through Friday from 4pm-8pm. I will not check emails on Saturdays and Sundays. During the week, I will respond within 24 hours. It is expected that students and parents respond to teachers within 24 hours of contact.
Making school a safe place is a top priority at our school, even online. All students will be required to adhere to the Washington County School District Acceptable Use Policy and netiquette procedures.
Please review this online video discussing “Netiquette”.
Netiquette http://youtu.be/DwdqQjCfWSc
Behavior, which jeopardizes the physical, mental, or emotional well being of any student, will not be tolerated.
All students have the following rights and responsibilities:
The right to learn and the responsibility to avoid interfering with the teaching and learning of others.
The right to positive personal feelings and the responsibility to avoid behavior that will diminish the self-esteem of others.
Students should be on time, prepared, and ready to begin learning in their online classrooms.
Students should follow all directions and should communicate with their teacher immediately for clarification..
The school administration may establish additional rules and guidelines for the benefit of all.
Respect the privacy of your classmates and what they share in class,in discussion posts and in team projects..
Ask classmates for clarification if you find a discussion post confusing, however remember that all comments are viewed by teachers and administration.
Avoid sweeping generalizations, back up your stated opinions with facts and reliable sources.
Understand that we may disagree and that exposure to other people’s opinions is part of the learning and growing experience.
Be respectful of each other. We’re all in this together. Before posting a comment, ask whether you would be willing to make the same comment to a person’s face…think before you post.
Keep in mind that everything you write, indeed every click of your mouse is recorded on the network server. On the Internet there are no take backs.
Keep in mind that you are now at the secondary level of your education; a more advanced academic level.
Be aware that typing in all capital letters indicates shouting.
Be careful with humor and sarcasm. Both can easily be misunderstood.
Review all discussion postings before posting your own to prevent redundancy.
Check your writing for errors by reviewing what you’ve written before submitting your post.
A = Above Mastery / Substantial
B = Mastery / Proficient
C = Basic Proficiency
I = Incomplete / Learning Standards not Met
Academic grades are based on an accumulation of total weighted points from assessments that are aligned with the standards for that specific class. If a student earns an Incomplete they have the opportunity to meet the standards of that class and earn a grade in the term immediately following the term that the “I” was earned. If the student does not meet the standard during the term immediately following, the “I” grade will be changed to an “NG”. Grading Scale (Letter grades are assigned according to the following scale of percent)
A 93 – 100
A- 90 – 92
B+ 87 – 89
B 83 – 86
B- 80 – 82
C+ 77 – 79
C 73 – 76
C- 70 – 72
I / NG 69 or Less
Art is subjective and objective. However, it is important that we have everyone feel comfortable. When submitting assignments remember to be school appropriate. No drugs, violence, gang symbols, offensive images at any measure is permitted.
Due to the variety of assessments that are given in each class, each teacher will determine their retake policy. “I” MAKE UP POLICY An “Incomplete” or “I” mark means that a student’s learning is not yet complete for that quarter. An “I” carries no credit. It means “Incomplete”. The student is still responsible for the learning and must complete it to change the “I” mark to a passing grade. To do this the student needs to make a written plan (contract) with the teacher to finish the incomplete learning. This plan needs to be written no later than five school days after receiving the report card. The “I” will be changed to a passing grade when the student follows the contract and demonstrates that the learning is complete. The new grade will be printed on their report card the following quarter. “I” marks may only be made up during the quarter immediately following the quarter that the student earned the “I”. A teacher may also choose to not allow an “I” to be made up if the percentage earned is less than 50%. The “I” will be changed permanently to a failing grade “F” on the report card if the student does not follow these procedures.
Following any absence, the STUDENT is responsible for obtaining missed assignments upon his/her return. The student has 5 school days following an absence to make up missed work for full credit. After that time, missing assignments become LATE WORK and are handled under that policy unless the student and teacher have previously negotiated an extended due date for absent work to be completed. Students will be notified in advance of projects/assignments for which this absent work policy does not apply.
Late work is defined as any work not completed and handed in by the due date except in the case of legitimate absence.
Students are expected to complete all missing work.
No credit will be given for certain assignments and projects that are late or exceed a specific cutoff date. Each teacher reserves the right to require an alternative or additional assignment if the original assignment has been corrected in an online class meeting because students may need the additional intervention.
Teachers have the right to assign additional assignments for content mastery to help students reach mastery.
The Grade Book will be closed to all qualified late work one week prior to the end of each quarter Dec 7th.
It is recommended that each student have a 5-Subject notebook with pockets. This will help them keep track of handouts and assignments. Other items that they need to take to class are:
1. Computer
2. Pencil/Paper
3. Binders/Notebooks Online courses are supported by note taking.
Thursday and Fridays by appointment
9am-2pm (30 minute slots)
- Please go to UOS webpage and sign up via google appointments or contact me!
Essential Standardss
GVC stands for Guaranteed Valuable Curriculum. GVCs is the construct that articulates how each student will receive a comprehensive, equitable, rigorous, and standards-based education. Please watch this video about GVCs if you have any questions... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxIoL1tPe1I
Now that you read the syllabus- please paste this hidden sentence for your first assignment in Edgenuity
Please be advised that our core curriculum is vetted and approved by Utah Online School. Occasionally there may be a passage or an excerpt of additional materials that is included in the course materials. This does not imply an endorsement or recommendation for the entire source or work.
“ I have read the syllabus by Mrs. Campos and agree to the terms.”