Graduate Teaching Series

About the Graduate Teaching Series (GTS)

The CTL is excited to help USD graduate students prepare for their futures, whether that will be teaching in front of a classroom or involved with cutting-edge research in a laboratory. We have created this workshop series through collaboration with instructors from around USD’s campus in order to develop graduates who are self-confident, prepared, and engaged with teaching. 

Successfully completing the GTS will provide valuable experience for any graduate student.  Graduate students will also have the opportunity to earn a digital badge (a verifiable, digital credential that can be added to CV’s, resumes, email, social media, etc.). Graduate students seeking a badge for completing the GTS will view 6 required workshops and 4 elective workshops.   It is possible to complete the GTS in one year; however, graduate students may elect to complete the series over the course of their graduate studies at USD.

This program is available asynchronously so students can work at their own pace.

Please direct any questions to the CTL:  605-658-6774  or

Required Workshop Modules (6 Total)

NOTE: Students must complete all workshops in this list.

Developing a Teaching Philosophy

Backward Design and Learning Outcomes

Syllabus Writing

Lesson Plans and Assignment Sequences

Modular Course Design

Consultation Capstone (Completed at the end of the series in consultation with CTL Staff)

Elective Workshop Module Options (Select 4)

NOTE: Students can select 4 options from this list.

First Day Activities (Exercises and Setting Expectations)

Active and Student-Centered Learning

Evaluating Student Learning

Creating an Accessible Learning Environment

Online Teaching

Professional Presence Preparation

GTS Frequently Asked Questions

Can individuals who are not USD graduate students attend workshops in the GTS?

No.  The GTS workshops are for USD graduate students only.  This is an intentional decision as we want to ensure graduate students feel comfortable while participating in the workshops.

How do I sign up for workshops?

Workshops are already recorded, you just need to be enrolled in the D2L course. Please email the CTL at and they can enroll you. 

Where are workshops held?

The workshops have all been recorded and are available in the D2L course. 

Do I have to complete the GTS in one year?

No.  While it is possible to complete the GTS in a year, this is not a requirement of the program.

How long are workshops?

Faculty developers have planned workshops that are between 1 and 2 hours long.

Besides watch workshop recordings, what else will I have to do?

Workshops will include a deliverable of some kind.  Successful completion of the workshop will include both viewing the workshop and completing the deliverable.