
MackinVia is the resource Heartland AEA uses to house the enormous eBook and digital audiobook collection shared with area schools. Due to the high cost of eBooks, it is more cost effective to share titles between schools to ensure they reach more users. Through the partnership between UHS and Heartland AEA, UHS teachers and students have access to over 1,200 eBooks and audiobooks at their fingertips. While users can access the collection through Destiny Quest & Discover, direct access is managed in MackinVia. In order to check-out a ebook or digital audiobook, users must create a personal account on a computer. Otherwise, students wishing to access content online without check-out, simply use the Heartland AEA log-in information.

MackinVia is provided by Heartland AEA and requires the username and password provided by the LMC. If you need access to any resource from Heartland AEA, please see Miss Watson in the LMC.

MackinVia is also available to download for both Android and Apple users for most mobile devices.

MackinVia Account Set UP

These steps must be completed on a computer. Personal accounts cannot be created in the mobile application.


Enter School Name

Enter Heartland AEA Username & Password

Select Log In

Select Log In (top right corner)

Select Register

Create User ID (UCSD Username)

Create Password

Enter Notification Email (UCSD Email), First and Last name

Select Save


Using the MackinVia catalog locate a book which you could use for a class project or would be interested in reading for enrichment. You will be asked to perform this skill and provide evidence later in the lesson.

What was difficult about the search process?

What made selecting a book or audiobook easier within the catalog?


  • After searching through the MackinVia collection, are you more interested in using eBooks and digital audiobooks in the future?

Please continue to the Genre section of this lesson.