Citation Styles

Styles of Citations

MLA or Modern Language Association format is commonly used in most English and Foreign Language courses, but is also widely used at the high school level to familiarize students with the most basic style format, which can then be applied to other similar formats for other disciplines.

APA or American Psychological Association format is the second most commonly used style. Typically Social Sciences, Business, and Nursing use this style for research. It is unlikely high school students will encounter APA format in their classes, unless the instructor is teaching a duel credit college course or AP level course. In either case, students should familiarize themselves with APA prior to graduating high school to ensure they are prepared for any post secondary institutions requirements where a great deal of time is not spent teaching student how to apply the format.

For more in depth information on how to apply the MLA or APA format properly OWL at Perdue does a great job of helping researchers better understand the style and its application.

MLA Overview & Workshop APA Overview & Workshop



"Code of Academic Honesty." The University of Iowa: College of Liberal

Arts and Sciences, The University of Iowa, 2019,

Accessed 11 Feb. 2019.

In-Text Citation: ...the end of your sentence ("Code of Academic").

Works Cited:



Code of academic honesty. (2019). Retrieved February 11, 2019, from The

University of Iowa: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences website:


In-Text Reference: ...the end of your sentence ("Code of Academic," 2019).



  • Do you feel sources which are not directly referred to within a project be included on the Works Cited/Reference page?
  • What are some of the obvious differences in the citations, in-text citations/in-text references, and works cited/reference pages?

Please continue to the NoodleTools section of this lesson.

Works Cited

"MLA Overview and Workshop." Purdue Online Writing Lab, Purdue University, 2019, Accessed 19 Sept. 2019.

"APA Style Workshop." Purdue Online Writing Lab, Purdue University, 2019, Accessed 19 Sept. 2019.