Michelle Pielak

 E-mail:  mpielak@upsd83.org   253-566-5710 x 2451

Head Girls Cross Country Coach Team Page 

Google Classroom Code 

APU Club Advisor Club Page 

Classes are kept up to date in the Google classroom. Use the provided links below to be added to the class, check for missing work, and find current and up to date information pertaining to the class, sport or club.   

Schedule:  Health: Periods 1,2,3, and 4.    Personal Fitness:  Period 5.      Planning:  Period 6.

Google Classroom codes: Period 1: 5nncbrv,  Period 2: acoxab6, Period 3: rbfsovr, Period 4: 6igycc3,  Period 5: aekkli4 

APU: onmg2ku  Cross Country:kwlypw4 

Use the above link above links to access your class. Remember to read the "due today" on the google classroom cover page if you are absent. This will keep  you up to date with the class upon return. For PE, make sure to contact the teacher directly to schedule a time and plan to make up missed activities. The make up "window period" foe excused absences is two weeks.