8th Grade Swimming

Class Expectations

  • Bring swim suit, towel and goggles every day (and take home each night)

  • 8th Grade students who forget their swim suit and/or towel can borrow to participate

  • Participate in all activities with best attitude and effort

  • Follow all class and pool rules

  • Respect all teachers, pool staff, students, and equipment

Locker Rooms:

  • Students are responsible for their valuables! Although we monitor locker rooms as best when we can, Curtis High School Pool Staff are not responsible for stolen items. Students should refrain from bringing valuables to the pool, or they should bring a lock for their locker.

  • All locks need to be removed after class, as we have several classes who use the locker rooms in addition to high school teams and community members.

Grading Criteria

· Daily Participation: 40% of Grade

· Suiting up for Class: 25% of Grade (entered at the end of the quarter)

· 100 Yard Timed Tests: 25% of Grade

· Final: 30 Minute Swim 10% of Grade

Daily Participation

· All students are expected to suit up and participate in all activities every day in class.

· Students are only excused with a written note signed by parents.

· Excused non participation days can be made up before school or after school. Students will

be asked to swim between 10-12 lengths for each day missed (number of lengths depends

on swimming ability level). Students who choose to not suit up (without a signed note from

a parent) will not be able to make up the day missed and will receive a zero for the day.

· Students have up to two weeks from the day missed to make up an excused

non participation day.

Daily Participation Grade

Students’ daily participation grade is based on our class expectations using a 4 point scale that is listed below.

4 – Student suited up, fully participated in all activities with best effort, and followed all class expectations.

3 – Student suited up, fully participated in all activities, but did not give best effort or needed to be reminded of a class expectation.

2 – Student suited up, but did not participate in all activities, or did not give best effort, or needed to be reminded of a class expectation more than once.

1 – Student suited up, did not participate in all activities with best effort, or needed to be reminded of a class expectation several times.

0 – Student did not suit up for class or needed to be removed from class due to disrespectful and disruptive behavior. (Students who have a signed note from a parent excusing them from swimming can make up the day missed)

Suiting up for Class Grade

At the end of each quarter, students will receive a “Suiting up for Class” participation grade using the following scale:

10 Points: 0-1 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

9 Points: 2 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

8 Points 3-4 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

7 Points: 5-6 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

6 Points: 7-8 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

5 points: 9 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

3 Points: 10-12 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

0 Points: More than 12 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

100 Yard Timed Tests

All students will complete a timed 100 yard swim test on an average of twice a month.

Students are not graded on their time, but are graded on effort and improvement.

Test days are also worth two participation daily grades! A missed test (that is excused) requires a 100 yard test make up additional to lengths.

100 Yard Timed Test Goal Times Rubric

We list goal times in order to help students be aware of their overall skill level. Goal times also help students to set goals for themselves throughout the quarter. Please see the rubric below for details.

Exceeds Standard: 1:20 or faster with good side breathing

Meets Standard: 1:21-1:40 with good side breathing

Approaching Standard: 1:41 or slower with good effort

Does not meet Standard: 1:41 or slower with little effort

Final: 500 Yard Swim

  • All students will complete a 500 Yard Timed Swim for their final. The final is graded on effort and completion.