Basic Swim Instructor


Grading Criteria

  • Daily Participation:70% of Grade

  • Suiting up for Class:20% of Grade (entered at the end of each quarter)

  • Final Exam (written)10% of Grade

Daily Participation

  • All students are expected to suit up and participate in all activities every day in class.

  • Students are only excused with a written note signed by parents.

  • Excused non participation days can be made up before school, after school, or during class on early release days.Students will be asked to swim between 10-20 lengths for each day missed (number of lengths depends on swimming ability level).Students who choose to not suit up (without a signed note from a parent) will not be able to make up the day missed. Students will receive a zero for the day.

    • Students have two weeks from the day missed to make up an excused non participation day.

  • If a student is absent from school, they need to bring a note the next day they are back in class to be allowed to make up the day missed.

  • Several missed classes will negatively impact a student’s grade and may result in the student being dropped from the class.

Daily Participation Grade

  • Students’ daily participation grade is based on our class expectations using a 4 point scale that is listed below.

  • 4 – Student suited up, fully participated in all activities with best effort, and followed all class expectations.

  • 3 – Student suited up, fully participated in all activities, but did not give best effort or needed to be reminded of a class expectation.

  • 2 – Student suited up, but did not participate in all activities, or did not give best effort, or needed to be reminded of a class expectation more than once.

  • 1 – Student suited up, did not participate in all activities with best effort, or needed to be reminded of a class expectation several times.

  • 0 – Student did not suit up for class or needed to be removed from class due to disrespectful and disruptive behavior.(Students who have a signed note from a parent excusing them from swimming can make up the day missed)

Suiting up for Class Grade

  • At the end of each quarter, students will receive a “Suiting up for Class” participation grade using the following scale:

  • 10 Points: 0-1 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

  • 9 Points:2 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

  • 8 Points3-4 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

  • 7 Points:5-6 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

  • 6 Points:7-8 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

  • 5 points:9 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

  • 3 Points:10-12 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

  • 0 Points: More than 12 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

2nd Grade Swimming Skills

Group 1

All other swimmers.
Swimmers work on:

  • Breath Control (Protect nose and mouth)

  • Head under

  • Prone Floating (Motor boat with eye contact)

  • Prone Floating with glide

  • Torpedo kicking

  • Back Floating / Back Kicking

Group 2

Swimmers can:

  • Torpedo kick with their face in the water

  • Hold their breath under water
    Swimmers work on:

  • Back floating

  • Back floating with kick

  • Back floating with glide & kickboard (board behind head)

  • Back floating with kick (arms relaxed at side)

  • Torpedo kicking with arm strokes (high elbows and complete stroke)

Group 3

Swimmers can:

  • Float on their backs

  • Do (decent) arm strokes

  • Torpedo kick
    Swimmers work on:

  • FLIP FLOPS with board

  • Flip flops without board

  • Stroking with flip flops (then stay on back)

  • Stroking with flip flops (return to torpedo kick)

  • Flip flop progression

  • Side breathing

Group 4

Swimmers can:

  • Do crawl stroke with side breathing
    Swimmers work on:

  • Crawl stoke

  • Stroke drills

  • Backstroke

  • Back drills