Lifeguard Training

Student Grade and Certification are two different components of this class

For Example:

-A student can earn an "A" in this class and not become a certified lifeguard

-A Student can earn a "C" in this class and become a certified lifeguard

Class Expectations

  • Bring swim suit, towel and goggles every day (and take home each night)

  • Participate in all activities with best attitude and effort

  • As a high school physical education class, there will be swimming and conditioning throughout the semester

  • Follow all class and pool rules

  • Respect all teachers, pool staff, students, and equipment

Locker Rooms

  • Students are responsible for their valuables! Although we monitor locker rooms as best when we can, Curtis High School Pool Staff are not responsible for stolen items. Students should refrain from bringing valuables to the pool, or they should bring a lock and lock up their swim locker

  • All locks need to be removed after class, as we have several classes who use the locker rooms in addition to high school teams and community members

Grading Criteria

Daily Participation: 40% of Grade

Suiting up for Class: 20% of Grade (entered at the end of each quarter)

Lifeguard Physical Skills 15% of Grade

Lifeguard Final Exams 15 % of Grade

Homework Assignments 10% of Grade

Daily Participation

All students are expected to suit up and participate in all activities every day in class.

Students are only excused with a written note signed by parents.

Excused non participation days can be made up before school or after school. Students will be asked to swim between 20 lengths for each day missed.

Students who choose to not suit up (without a signed note from a parent) will not be able to make up the day missed. Students will receive a zero for the day.

Students have two weeks from the day missed to make up an excused non participation day.

If a student is absent from school, they need to bring a note the next day they are back in class to be allowed to make up the day missed.

Daily Participation Grade

Students’ daily participation grade is based on our class expectations using a 4 point scale that is listed below.

4 – Student suited up, fully participated in all activities with best effort, and followed all class expectations.

3 – Student suited up, fully participated in all activities, but did not give best effort or needed to be reminded of a class expectation.

2 – Student suited up, but did not participate in all activities, or did not give best effort, or needed to be reminded of a class expectation more than once.

1 – Student suited up, did not participate in all activities with best effort, or needed to be reminded of a class expectation several times.

0 – Student did not suit up for class or needed to be removed from class due to disrespectful and disruptive behavior. (Students who have a signed note from a parent excusing them from swimming can make up the day missed)

Suiting up for Class Grade

At the end of each quarter, students will receive a “Suiting up for Class” participation grade using the following scale:

10 Points: 0-1 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

9 Points: 2 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

8 Points 3-4 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

7 Points: 5-6 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

6 Points: 7-8 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

5 points: 9 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

3 Points: 10-12 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up

0 Points: More than 12 non suit ups and/or absences that have not been made up


On most weeks students will be assigned a chapter from the American Red Cross Lifeguarding Manual to read and an accompanying homework assignment.

Typically, students will have a few days to read the chapter and complete the written assignment

Missing / incomplete assignments will not be accepted late.


Required Physical Skills

  • All students will complete 48 physical skills that are required by all American Red Cross Certified Lifeguards

  • Students will have ample time to practice each skill prior to being tested

  • Skills tested include: lifeguard saving skills, CPR, first aid, and overall pool safety

Final Exams

  • Students will have four final exams as mandated by the American Red Cross.

  • Two lifeguard saving scenarios

    • Active drowning victim, deep water / CPR

    • Shallow water victim with a potential spinal injury

    • Two written exams

      • First Aid / CPR / AED

      • Lifeguarding

To Obtain Lifeguard Certification

  • Student must pass all 48 lifeguard / CPR/ First Aid Skills

  • Student must pass final written CPR/AED/First Aid Exam with at least an 80%

  • Student must pass final written Lifeguarding Test with at least an 80%

  • Students must pass challenge swim / tread course

  • Students must swim 500 yards with crawl stroke and side breathing under 10 minutes