Student Progress

Application for Overload or Underload

Application for Overload or Underload Form

Submission of application to overload or underload:

Application to overload or underload, together with the required documents, should be submitted during the registration period of the applicable semester.



Regular academic load

No graduate student employed on a full-time basis shall be allowed an academic load of more than 10 units in any semester unless s/he has the prior approval of the head of the graduate unit to which s/he belongs.

Rules on underload

Students who are candidates for graduation with honors must have taken during each semester/trimester/quarter not less than fifteen (15) units of credit or the normal load prescribed in the curriculum in cases where such normal load is less than fifteen (15) units, unless the lighter load was due to justifiable causes such as health reasons, the unavailability of subjects needed in the curriculum to complete the full load, or the fact that the candidate is a working student (Revised UP Code: Art. 414 as amended at 884th BOR: 31 March 1977).

To justify underloading, the submission of pertinent documents to the Office of the University Registrar through the Office of the College Secretary is required as follows: 

Rules on overload:

Request to Change/Add/Cancel Matriculation

Request to Change/Add/Cancel Matriculation Form 

If a student is requesting to change/add/cancel more than one (1) course, he/she must accomplish separate forms for each.


Application for Advance Credits

Application for Advance Credits Form


Application for Substitution of Courses

Application for Substitution of Courses Form


Application for Waiver of Prerequisite

Dropping of Subject

Dropping of Subject Form


Source: UP Code


Application for Leave of Absence

Application for Leave of Absence Form

Note to the Student:

Note: LOA should not exceed one year but may be renewed for at most another year. When not taken in two (2) successive years, the aggregate LOA should not exceed two (2) years.

IMPORTANT NOTE for Undergraduate Students: 

The deadline for filing an LOA for the First Semester AY 2023-2024 is November 24, 2023. However, if you intend to request an LOA for this term and wish to avoid any deduction from your eligible remaining semesters for the Free Higher Education (FHE) subsidy, it is essential to complete your LOA form by October 5, 2023. A completed LOA application entails that the form is entirely signed by all required signatories, the LOA fee has been paid, and the signed LOA forms have been delivered to both the OCS and OUR. The deadline for submitting the CHED Billing Report for the Free Higher Education (FHE) Subsidy to the UP System for the First Semester AY 2023-2024 is October 12, 2023. To safeguard your eligibility and prevent any deductions from your remaining FHE subsidy semesters, it is crucial to finalize the LOA application form by October 5, 2023, which is one week before the CHED Billing Report deadline. Please be aware that if your LOA is completed after October 5, 2023, one semester of your FHE Subsidy will be deducted.

Permit to Complete INC or Remove 4

Permit to Complete INC or Remove 4 Form


Report of Grade for Completion or Removal

Report of Change of Grade (for faculty only)

Application for Graduation

Request to Change/Correct Information