Frequently Asked Questions

Below we have our most frequently asked questions.

Questions are divided into categories of faculty, students, and community/sponsors

Have any questions that weren't touched upon? Send us your question through our Contact Page!

Faculty Questions

How can a member of faculty get involved?

Faculty members can get involved by attending monthly meetings between students and faculty. Faculty can also participate in our student activities and interact with students.

CEEC Student Questions

What is The TRANSCEnD Project?

TRANSCEnD is a project at the CEEC department of UNLV with the goal of helping students in transitioning and succeeding in the early stages of college. This is accomplished by forming a community between fellow students and faculty.

What topics are touched upon?

TRANSCEnD conducts social activities to connect students with each other and faculty. There also activities related to civil and environmental engineering or construction management to engage students, while allowing them to explore.

Who has access to it?

TRANSCEnD is accessible to all underclassman (i.e. freshmen and sophomores) enrolled in civil and environmental engineering or construction management.

Community And Sponsor Questions

How can I get involved?

You can get involved by attending bi-weekly meetings with upperclassmen mentors, monthly meetings with professors and participating in at least 1 project.