About Us

Mission Statement

Increase student retention and graduation rates in civil engineering degree education at UNLV

About Us

The overarching goal of this project is to enhance critical TRANSitions in Civil Engineering Degree education (TRANSCEnD). TRANSCEnD will improve undergraduate civil engineering education by facilitating the critical transitions from lower- to upper-division coursework. The transition occurs between the sophomore and junior years of the degree program, often called advanced standing. The project goal will be achieved through a multifaceted strategy that promotes a cohesive academic community, improves critical transition with transformative curriculum development, and trains faculty in culturally responsive teaching. This project is supporting efforts to improve the ongoing low retention and graduation rates in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction undergraduate degrees at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, which is a designated Hispanic Serving Institute, Minority Serving Institution, and Asian-American and Native-American, Pacific Islander-Serving Institution.

Future Plans

TRANSCEnD has a detailed outline of future plans, listed below with our yearly goals.

Future Plans