Team 83A
Treasure Trash

Gamifying Recycling


On a mission to improve the lives of Hanoi's scrap collectors by encouraging the UNIS community to use a safer, faster and cleaner method of offering their trash.

83A - C3 - Slide Deck
Pitch Slide Deck
83A - C3 - Fact Sheet Business Plan
Our team consists of Ethan (Technical Lead), Arin (Marketing Lead), Jihong (Strategic Lead) and Son (Innovation Lead).
UNIS Phoenix' Nest - 83A- Treasure Trash (Ethan and Arin).mp4
Intro vid "Treasure Trash" - Ethan and Arin

Product Visualization

Process Documentation

83A - A - Inquiring and Analyzing
83A - B - Developing Ideas
83A - C - Creating the Solution
83A - D - Evaluating