Phoenix' Nest
Where enterprising young talent takes action towards the UN SDGs

The Challenge ...

Work as a team or individual to develop a plan for a sustainable social enterprise that has a meaningful impact at our school, in Hanoi or in Vietnam. Pitch your plan to the Phoenix Nest judges and convince them to invest!

A social enterprise sells goods or services and uses a portion of the profits to reinvest in addressing social or environmental issues, improving quality of life, conserving natural resources and the environment, preserving the community’s cultural integrity, and more. A social enterprise holds its underlying mission above financial gain, investors, or traditional commercial business ideals. Instead, the common good is the primary focus and when a social enterprise succeeds, so too do its beneficiaries.


Seek inspiration from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to identify a problem your team cares about. This can be any problem that has a local impact in our community (UNIS, Hanoi, Vietnam).


Use your creativity and the MYP Design Cycle to develop a social enterprise that in some way contributes to reaching the SDG your team has selected.


Create a high-fidelity model or prototype of a product - something tangible - that will support your search for investment in your social enterprise. I.e. supports your pitch to the judging phoenixes.


Consider how you would bring your product to market. Develop a business plan. There is a maximum of 2,000 USD to invest in getting your idea going for real. 


Pitch your idea to a panel of 'Phoenices' much like in the popular TV shows 'Dragon's Den' and Shark Tank. You will have 4 minutes to convince the jury that your social enterprise is the most worthy of investment!


In this project, you will be working in teams of three or four students. Each team member will have a specific role and contribute to the steps of the design cycle in a unique way. You will for instance compose one design brief (task Aiv) with research contributions from all team members. 

Technical Lead
The Technical Lead is the product champion who knows the product and its working inside and out. The Technical Lead is the expert on the technicalities of manufacturing the product, the technical specifications and the operation of the product. The Technical Lead will convince the judges the product can be created and will work well.

Marketing Lead
The Marketing Lead ensures the product has a clever brand identity and is placed in the market with intention. They will convince the judges the product will be received enthusiastically by the intended target audience.

Business Lead
The Business Lead ensures there is a clear business and sales strategy. They are the expert who ensures the product has a bright future and will convince the judges of this.

Innovation Lead (optional)
The Innovation Lead is knowledgeable about all aspects of the product and the business. The Innovation Lead protects the mission and vision of the enterprise and promotes the product to investors. The Innovation Lead will convince the judges that all aspects of the business fit together well.   (in the case of teams of 3, the tasks of the Innovation Lead role will be shared among the other roles.)

Business Plan and Investment Opportunity

Your social enterprise needs to contribute to reaching one or more of the UN SDGs in some way: It needs to contribute to a more sustainable world. Your ‘business’ (product/enterprise) itself needs to be sustainable too. You will need to consider the necessary investment, human resources and the timeline to make your idea happen. Perhaps you want to create a new Student Initiated Project or attend an event to promote or sell your product. Sustainability is much broader than ‘being good for the natural environment’.

UNIS is partnering with the UNIS Impact Fund for this year’s Phoenix' Nest. After you have pitched your idea to the Dragons - and probably have received some valuable feedback - there is the possibility that your idea will be chosen as one with the most potential (see judging criteria).  This partner has a strong sustainability program and has vouched to provide expertise to the teams through presentations and access to experts in design, marketing, product placement and business development. 

The UNIS Impact Fund will sponsor a maximum 

of 2,000 USD to help the winning idea become a reality!

Example projects

Phoenix Nest outcomes

Examples from around the world

Phoenix Nest 2023 Charging with the Wind team has received an impact fund grant for the installation of a double wind turbine powering the phone charging sockets in the cafeteria! Find out more.

Phoenix Nest 2023 Light up the Night team has put up 120 solar-powered lamp posts in Mai Chau last year! Find out more.


Learn from what exists to collaboratively develop an impactful and sustainable social enterprise.

Key concept


Related concept(s)

Adaptation, Collaboration, Sustainability

Global context

Fairness and Developmenta 

Factual Inquiry Questions

Conceptual Inquiry Questions

Debatable Inquiry Questions

Approaches to Learning (AtL) Focus:

What happens after Phoenix Nest?

There are many ways in which the Phoenix Nest groups (winners, finalists, and any other group who are keen) have continued their work after the completion: