Team 81A
Soap it Up

We use leftover rice to make our soap

Our Pitch

81A - C3 - Fact Sheet Business Plan
Our team consists of Hanbee (Technical Lead), Nam (Marketing Lead), Ingyu (Strategic Lead ) and Nhi (Innovation Lead). 

On a mission to become a structural donor to Operation Smile through the sale of rice soap to our community.

81A - C3 - Slide Deck
UNIS Phoenix' Nest - 81A - Soap It Up (Hanbee and Raxa).mp4

Product Visualization

Process Documentation

Criterion A
Inquiring and Analyzing

81A - A - Inquiring and Analyzing

Criterion B
Developing Ideas

81A - B - Developing Ideas

Criterion C
Creating the Solution

81A - C - Creating the Solution

Criterion  D

81A - D - Evaluating