Danial Zendehdel  

I am deeply engaged in deep learning projects, primarily as a Ph.D. student at CIPARLab at the Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Information Engineering, Electronic and Telecommunications (DIET). My main focus is on developing an Energy Management System (EMS) alongside my colleagues, encompassing all aspects of an EMS related to the green energy transition and PNRR with a focus on Renewable energy Communities (CER). Our approaches leverage evolutionary algorithms, such as Genetic Algorithms, which we integrate with neural networks or fuzzy systems to enhance the system's efficiency and effectiveness. 

Personally, my interests also span computer vision projects, including trajectory and depth estimation, as well as other projects related to autonomous vehicles. Beyond these areas, I have a keen interest in the field of cybersecurity. I have extensive experience working on projects utilizing a variety of programming languages, including Python, MATLAB, C, and C++. 


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