
In order to make our research usable and economically valuable, our laboratory actively collaborates with numerous entrepreneurial realities. Among these, there is the innovative startup of the Sapienza University of Rome SISTER POMOS

SIS. TER. POMOS s.r.l. is the result of many years of experience in Training, Research and Technological Transfer gained in the Research Laboratory POMOS – Polo for Sustainable Mobility of Cisterna di, Department of Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications – DIET – “La Sapienza” University of Rome. 


As a System Integrator, our aim is to exploits consolidated vertical skills on Machine Learning into applications f energy efficiency, carrying out research, development and technology transfer activities, while at the same time supporting actions, including financial ones, for the implementation of innovation processes in companies and public authorities. 


‘‘Bringing the Machine Learning culture to all innovative companies and injecting intelligent solutions into every cyber-physical system’’

In SISTER POMOS there is also a division that deals with high innovation in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing in various application domains. 


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