
San Pietro in Vincoli Roman Catholic church 

The CIPR laboratory is located in the Engineering headquarters of the "Sapienza" University of Rome, a stone's throw from the Colosseum. Specifically, the laboratory is part of the Department of Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications (DIET) located in Via Eudossiana, 18, 00184 Rome RM, next to the precious Basilica of San Pietro in Vincoli.

All research activities on issues relating to Computational Intelligence, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition are coordinated in the laboratory located in Rome. The laboratory hosts numerous powerful many-core workstations accessible even remotely equipped with dedicated hardware for parallel computing (GPU, FPGA, see below) for the acceleration of the developed algorithms.

Te Intelligent Systems Lab is an important branch of the CIPR lab is located at the Polo Per La Mobilità Sostenibile (POMOS), located in Cisterna di Latina a few kilometers from Rome. The laboratory is easily accessible by train and the station is within walking distance of the Rome-Naples railway line. 

The activities of the laboratory are carried out in harmony with the Rome CIPR lab and are developed on application issues in line with the directives of the POMOS research center that deals with sustainable mobility and energy transition. The Intelligent Systems Lab carries out research on sustainable mobility systems, on the application of Computational Intelligence applied to electric and hybrid traction and on the application of Artificial Intelligence to the field of Smar Grids, in line with the green energy transition

Empowering machine learning

Hardware - WorkStations

"I have never perfected an invention without first thinking about the service it would offer to others. First I try to understand what the world needs, and then I try to invent it. " Thomas Edison 

The Sustainable Mobility Center is an international HUB that aims to feed and extend its network, placing innovation and research as engines of growth and competitiveness. POMOS is a hub for aggregation and dissemination of innovations from which the best experiences can be drawn to provide an opportunity and a response to new needs

The Po.Mo.S. aims to carry out the technological transfer and pre-industrial development actions around the themes of sustainable mobility, energy efficiency and territorial planning, to support the technological transformations already underway such as electric mobility and new models for production and energy distribution. 

Principal Investigator: Prof. Fabio Massimo Frattale Mascioli


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