Sabereh Taghdisi Rastkar 

Sabereh (Sara) T. Rastkar was born in Bojnord, Iran, in 1986. She embarked on her academic journey in Telecommunication Technology Engineering, obtaining her B.Sc. in Iran in September 2011. Her quest for knowledge led her to Italy, where she earned an M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering from Sapienza University of Rome in October 2022. In pursuit of innovation, Sabereh commenced work on her thesis in October 2021, delving into the Development and Automation of a Measurement Setup for Spatially Resolved Optical Characterization. This research focused on thin-film optical components for hyper spectral imaging in the mid-infrared spectrum. Enhancing her practical experience, she began a traineeship in the Optical Laboratory of ENEA, Italy, in November 2021. In November 2023, her academic progressed to new heights when she initiated her PhD in ICT at Sapienza University of Rome. Her research started in the domain of artificial intelligence for smart cities and urban transportation systems. Her specific research aim is “Time series forecasting by machine learning for urban mobility applications”. This research topic delves into the intricacies of urban mobility systems, which often exhibit complex, emergent behaviors due to the interplay between various networks, including road infrastructure, energy grids, and telecommunications. This research aims to advance state-of-the-art algorithms for time series analysis and forecasting within the urban mobility context.


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