
 "Research is to see what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has thought."  - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Project list

European Projects

Life+ Silver Coast


National Projects





Regional/Local Projects



VENTOTENE “Isola ad emissioni zero”

Electric Biocarrozza


P.L.U.S. Cisterna Di Latina

Pianura Blu

Collaboration Agreements















ICT 14







1) Ricerca Universitaria 2014, “MV Feeders Faults Recognition in Smart Grids by One Class Classification Systems”. 

2) Progetto di Ateneo Interdisciplinare 2016, “RANGER: Resilience against Attacks on Next Generation mEtering for the smart gRid”. 

3) Progetto di Avvio alla Ricerca 2016 “Short-term load forecasting with recurrent neural networks”. 

4) Progetto conto terzi Jabil S.p.A. “Progettazione e sviluppo di una Stazione di Ricarica Rapida di veicoli elettrici e del Sistema di interfaccia dei protocolli ChaDeMo e Combo II”. Data Inizio Progetto: 7 maggio 2017. 

5) Progetto Europeo LIFE_SC - Life for Silver Coast - LIFE16 ENV/IT/000337. Duration 01-JUL-2017 to 30-JUN -2021. 

6) Progetto Regione Lazio POR “PASSIAMO – Piattaforma Aperta Sostenibile Sicura Intelligente e Attiva per la Mobilità”, 

7) Centro di Competenza Bando Mise – Decreto Direttoriale 29 gennaio 2018. Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” – Cyber 4.0. -

8) Progetto di Avvio alla Ricerca 2017 “Distributed Large-Scale Pattern Recognition for graph-based problems in Bioinformatics”. 

9) Progetto medio di Ateneo 2018 “PARADISE - PARAllel and DIStributed Evolutionary agent-based systems for machine learning and big data mining”. 

10) Progetto di Avvio alla Ricerca 2018 “Second Life for Li-Ion Automotive Batteries”. 

11) Progetto POR-FESR Regione Lazio 2014-2020, Avviso Pubblico n.8 “Circular Economy e Energia”. Titolo progetto: “MOdular Smart Energy System (MOSES)”. 

12) Progetto di Avvio alla Ricerca 2019 “Implementazione distribuita e parallela di algoritmi di Big Data Mining basati sul paradigma del Granular Computing”. 

13) Progetto di Avvio alla Ricerca 2020 “Tecniche di Intelligenza Artificiale per l'ottimizzazione dei flussi energetici di Veicoli Elettrici e Ibrido-Elettici”. 

14) Progetto di Avvio alla Ricerca 2020 “Sviluppo di sistemi multi-agenti cooperativi basati su strategie evolutive in hardware dedicati per applicazioni Big Data Mining”. 

15) Progetto medio di Ateneo 2020. “Distributed Evolutionary Swarm Intelligence and Granular Computing Techniques for Nested Complex Systems Modelling”. 

16) Progetto di Avvio alla Ricerca 2021 “Explainable AI in sistemi di modellamento del linguaggio naturale tramite l'approccio ibrido Granular Computing - Deep Learning”. 

17) Progetto di Avvio alla Ricerca 2022 “Sviluppo e implementazione di tecniche di granular computing per l'analisi automatica del traffico informativo di reti di telecomunicazioni.”

18) Progetto medio di Ateneo 2022. “Hierarchical and Modular Management Systems for Renewable Energy Communities by Machine Learning Techniques”.

19) “Final use optimization, sustainability & resilience in energy supply chain”. PNRR. Partenariato Esteso 2 - Spoke 8; 

20) “Tecnologie abilitanti per la mobilità sostenibile: accumulo elettrochimico di energia e trazione elettrica”. PNRR. Centro Nazionale 4 - Spoke 13. 

21) “Approccio multi-disciplinare alla modellistica multi-scala e alle sue applicazioni ingegneristiche” Centro Nazionale 1 - Spoke 6. 

22) “Hybrid Energy Hub (HEH) for microgrids, systems and components with renewables, storage, fuel cells and electric vehicles charging stations integrated in smart buildings and energy communities”. Progetto Grandi Attrezzature Scientifiche. 

Projects Overview

Intelligent control in Smart Grids

The main aim of this research project consists of the modeling and synthesis of advanced control strategies of energy flows in new-generation power grids, known as Smart Grids. This project is in line with the guidelines of the European Green Deal, specifically in terms of energy consumption efficiency and low carbon impact. The main research topics and applications within this context are the intelligent control of energy flows, demand-side programs and scheduling through evolutionary fuzzy modeling techniques and artificial neural networks. The project involves also the topic of time series forecasting related to energy production from renewable sources and consumption from smart users.


Modeling High-performance Li-ion BATTERY cells AgEing

Li-ion cells will always age, due to innate chemical reactions between the negative electrode and electrolyte. This will even happen while the vehicle is not being used, a phenomenon called 'calendar ageing'. The rate at which ageing occurs is a complex relationship between cell design and cell usage. The aim of this project consists of synthesizing innovative hybrid modeling techniques of high-performance Li-ion cells grounded on physical knowledge of electrochemical phenomena and machine learning. This specific data-driven methodology is thought in line with the Explainable AI paradigm, so it is able to give insight on the underlying battery aging process starting from acquired data.

In collaboration with FERRARI S.p.A.


Predictive MainTenance

Predictive maintenance is a widely adopted technique across sectors and during the last period its adoption is starting to spread across new markets such as the Energy Sector. Nowadays, predictive maintenance is commonly adopted in the energy sector to manage infrastructures, networks, and electrical grids. The reasons that are driving the adoption of predictive maintenance techniques by Transmission System Operators (TSO) and hardware manufacturers across the world are:

The main aim of this project is to adopt Artificial Intelligence and data-driven techniques for predictive maintenance in cyber-physical systems such as, Smart Grids, railways train, industrial processes, etc.


Natural Language Processing, Text analysis and generation

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subfield of linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence concerned with the interactions between computers and human language, in particular how to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data. Today with the widespread usage of electronic text such as on the web or social media it is possible to gain powerful insight into text data through advanced machine learning and data-driven technique. The main aims of this project are twofold. From one and it is important to synthesize a new way of analyzing text from a scientific point of view conceiving human or machine-produced text as a complex system. On the other hand the great availability of electronic sources allows applications such as Social Network Analysis (e.g., hate speech detection, text summarization, etc.) through text mining and classification techniques.

Pattern Recognition in non conventional domains and the problem of complex objects representation

Pattern recognition is the automated recognition of patterns and regularities in data. It has applications in statistical data analysis, signal processing, image analysis, information retrieval, bioinformatics, data compression, computer graphics and machine learning. An interesting research area of Pattern Recognition with interesting data-driven applications is the one related to non-conventional domains, that is objects (graphs, sequences, images, etc.) lie in unstructured often non-metric spaces where the similarity between patterns has to be computed through customized dissimilarity measures. For example, the starting objects' domain can be formed by graphs or networks and special dissimilarity measures need to be adopted to measure the dissimilarity between different size graphs. Moreover, it is really interesting investigating new representation methodologies to improve classification performances in machine learning-related applications.  

Evolutionary Agent-Based Clustering Classifier (E-ABC2) algorithm

Evolutive Agent-Based Clustering Classifier (E-ABC), is an agent-based algorithm developed both for solving clustering and classification problems. In E-ABC each agent runs a very simple clustering procedure on a small sub-sample of the whole dataset. A genetic algorithm orchestrates the evolution of such agents in order to return a set of well-formed clusters, thus discovering possible regularities and recurrences in the data set at hand. Many clustering algorithms deal with a global metric. This means that the dissimilarity measure between patterns weights, in a suitable fashion, each feature leading to a global feature selection procedure. In the proposed approach weights are valid locally. The property of ``locality'' is ensured by a weighted dissimilarity measure alongside the not straightforward clustering procedure adopted and, practically, it is valid in the region around the cluster representatives. In other words, the evolutionary clustering process selects, through the agents, the subspace where these clusters are well-formed. Three main concepts are well addressed with E-ABC: i) the possibility of conceiving an evolutionary learning algorithm capable of dealing with local metrics, instead of global metrics, hence learning which features are important in characterizing input space regions, possibly belonging to different classes for the classification problem at hand. 


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