History, conservation and restoration of cultural Heritage
Leader: Università degli Studi di Catania
Co-leader: Istituto Centrale del Restauro
Affiliates: SAPIENZA Università di Roma, Università degli Studi di Milano , Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Università degli Studi di Bologna “Alma Mater Studiorum”, Università degli Studi di Torino, Università Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli, Opificio delle Pietre Dure
The aim of the spoke is to develop and apply integrated methodologies, strategies and approaches to support the processes of historical understanding, conservation, restoration, monitoring, sustainable and participatory planning in multi-layered contexts of CH. The proposed approach will integrate humanistic, historicalarchaeological, art-historical, scientific and technological research aimed at the acquisition, management and analysis of complex data, necessary for the production of theoretical and practical-operational knowledge. The proposed method will also improve the citizens’ lives, thanks to the promotion of cultural participation as a factor of social cohesion and sustainability. Museums, archives, art galleries, parks and archaeological areas, historic centres, landscape and underwater contexts constitute ideal venues for setting up a system of shared strategies and approaches, within which the multidisciplinary team that forms the spoke moves. It is also necessary to address the continuous needs of the inalienable drive to enhancement and the right of communities to use CH to decipher the economic and legal dimensions for the study of shared fruition models in conjunction with a scientific-technological analysis of their material supports and the interactions between these and the external environment. Considering the inter and multidisciplinary approach of this Spoke and looking at the overall platform of the PE5, Spoke 6 intends to open fronts for dialogue and concrete interaction with Spoke no 8, 7, 5, 1 and 4
Planned activities are:
Definition of methodological standards and procedures for the material, technical-constructive, reconstruction and functional documentation and description of contexts, showing huma-environment interaction, historic buildings, landscapes, and multi-layered artefacts from ancient to modern and contemporary eras
Definition of models of sampling and analysis for the historical study of restoration and conservation interventions in connection to the vulnerability of the structures, the durability of the materials, the phenomena of abiotic and biotic degradation in the environmental and climatic evolution of the contexts
Creation of a Geodatabase for the collection, management and interpretation of data for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage
Definition, correlation and validation of procedures (including non-destructive), technologies (including non-invasive), innovative sensing devices and green materials based on tested case studies to enhance the effectiveness, durability and sustainability of conservation, protection, and restoration of cultural heritage
Definition of automatic or semi-automatic data processing algorithms (using machine-learning and AI methodologies applicable to numerical-predictive models) to support the monitoring, conservation, restoration and monitoring processes of their diachronic evolution
Creation of semantic digital models, obtained also thanks to the results of non-invasive investigations (CT), or according to HBIM and EBIM paradigms to support the analysis, intervention, monitoring and enhancement processes
Development of a Multimodal infrastructure for real-time monitoring, prediction and mitigation of risk for contexts, landscapes and artifacts and works of art in indoor and outdoor scenarios
Definition of methodological and procedural standards and economic-legal models for public engagement in the processes of conservation, restoration and monitoring of contexts, historic buildings, cultural landscapes and multi-layered artefacts with a strong cultural value
Creation of a Platform for knowledge sharing and technology transfer according the SRL (Societal Readiness Level)