Science and technologies for sustainable diagnostics of Cultural Heritage 

Leader: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche 

Co-leader: Opificio delle Pietre Dure 

Affiliates: SAPIENZA Università di Roma, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” , Università degli Studi di Bologna “Alma Mater Studiorum”, Università degli Studi di Catania, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Gran Sasso Science Institute, EdilCo srl

The spoke on Science and Technologies for Sustainable Diagnostics of Cultural Heritage is oriented towards the development of innovative scientific instruments and methods, new computational approaches, integrated applications, and digital technologies to deepen our understanding of material cultures, and the context in which tangible cultural heritage is created, exists and changes. To this aim, the innovation pathway of Heritage diagnostics will be driven by a problem-solving approach, fostering collaboration across Humanities, STEMs and with a broad range of heritage institutions, private companies, and stakeholders. It will be built by embedding new and emerging technologies and tools and exploring new methods for identification, knowledge, conservation, valorization, and transmission of cultural heritage knowledge.

The spoke activities around the WPs will be oriented to: 

1) Development of protocols related to the characterization of the artifacts/ecofacts (from the historical center to the archaeological remain) aimed to the managing of the Diagnostic Technologies also in consideration of the past/current interaction environment/heritage 

2) Development of multimodal and multiple scale lengths instruments and methods for the heritage material characterization. 

3) Understanding the degradation mechanisms of heritage materials induced by climate changes to support the development of protocols for preventive conservation. 

4) Developing sustainable analytical protocols and low-cost Internet of Things solutions to monitor and manage indoor air quality and microclimatic conditions especially in museums, exhibition rooms, and deposits. 

5) Development of advanced diagnostics and scientific methods for the analysis and valorization of organic materials in cultural heritage. 

6) Developing innovative digital technologies (semantic data, AI/ML, visualization, interaction) to support data-driven research, enabling a new paradigm for data collection, integration, processing, visualization, annotation, and documentation. 

Planned activities are: