Protection and conservation of Cultural Heritage against climate changes, natural and anthropic risks 

Leader: Università degli Studi di Firenze

Co-leader: Gran Sasso Science Institute 

Affiliates: SAPIENZA Università di Roma, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre” , Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” , Università degli Studi di Bologna “Alma Mater Studiorum” , Istituto Centrale del Restauro, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Centre of Excellence DTC Lazio, EdilCo srl , CNR

Cultural heritage (CH) is permanently exposed to natural and anthropic hazards due to the impact of climate change, which accelerates the effects of natural hazards as well as those caused by human actions. The traditional distinction between natural and man-made hazards is challenged by the combination and interaction of different hazards and causes, as natural disasters also cause migration and social conflicts, and human behavior accelerates natural processes. Phenomena related to climate change and natural/anthropic risks raise new research questions and open new challenges for modern societies, requiring a broad multidisciplinary approach towards problem solving. A multi-scale approach should be applied to encompass different scenarios and to address both general and specific issues. Relevant case studies will be identified among: Environment and Historical landscapes, Historical Cities and minor historic centres, Built Heritage and Monuments, Works of art. Overall objective of the Spoke 7 is delivering innovative solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change, natural and anthropic risks on cultural heritage. Spoke 7 is developed in synergy with the themes addressed in the other Spokes, in particular in Spoke 1 - Spoke 4 - Spoke 5 - Spoke 6 - Spoke 8. 

Planned activities are: