Each student must seek for an academic who will guide him/her to complete the PhD thesis. He/she will need a Tutor and a Supervisor.
In principle the supervisor and the tutor should coincide, but in some rare occasions they may not. Here is the difference between Tutor and Supervisor. The supervisor is the person who advises and supervises the student: he/she can be anyone even an academic from another university. The tutor MUST be a member of the AEM faculty (the full list is here) and will be in charge to write the final report when the student is about to complete the PhD program.
If the supervisor is a member of the AEM faculty is also the tutor, and this should be the preference; but of course if none of the AEM faculty meets, in a loose sense, the research interests of the PhD student, the PhD student is allowed to search for a supervisor outside the faculty, but note that he/she also must search for someone of the faculty who will be the tutor.