Question: Can I teach or do some work during my PhD?
According to the PhD Regulations:
Art 17 (5)
I dottorandi, quale parte integrante del progetto formativo, possono svolgere, previo nulla osta del Collegio dei docenti e senza che ciò comporti alcun incremento della borsa di studio, attività di tutorato degli studenti dei corsi di laurea e di laurea magistrale nonché, entro il limite massimo di quaranta (40) ore in ciascun anno accademico, attività di didattica integrativa.
Art 17 (11)
Il dottorando può svolgere limitata attività lavorativa esterna che non deve in ogni caso compromettere l’attività di formazione e ricerca e di natura occasionale, previa autorizzazione del Collegio dei docenti.
Art 17 (5) means that you cannot teach more than 40 hours per year.
Art 17(11) means that you can OCCASIONALLY take external jobs if they do not interfere with your research, after the approval of the Board of Directors.
RESEARCH FUNDS (University of Pavia)
Starting from the second year, each Ph.D. student is ensured, in addition to the scholarship, a budget for research activities in Italy and abroad equal to 10% of the amount of the scholarship itself (€ 1534.33 per year).
Question. What is covered by the Ph.D. budget?
Answer. Examples of eligible expenses are:
• registration to congresses and conferences;
• missions in Italy and abroad;
• laboratory consumables;
• texts;
• software;
• small tools;
• computer;
• publication costs.
The 10% budget can also be used to cover travel expenses.
Visiting periods abroad are not considered missions: only the outward and return journeys are refundable. In the case of participation in conferences during the visiting period, the doctoral student funds cover only registration to the conference and round trip travel.
All material purchased with the research budget will remain the property of the University.
The expenditure proposal must be endorsed by the Supervisor of the Ph.D. student and the Director of the Ph.D. course and approved by the Director of the Department, together with the Administrative Secretary, for the verification of administrative and accounting legitimacy and regularity.
It is allowed to accumulate the annual budget for an overall use during the third year, where this is proposed and accepted by the tutor for research needs.
Q. Since when is the Ph.D. budget accessible?
A. The doctoral student funds are accessible only after the completion of the student's enrollment in the second year and in any case not before the beginning of the academic year. Therefore, roughly from November of the second year of the doctorate.
Q. How can I access the Ph.D. student budget?
A. Before carrying out a mission, the applicant must connect to the U-web Missioni form (https://missioni.unipv.it/) to enter the data relating to the trip in the dedicated section in order to be authorized in advance. Upon returning from the mission, the applicant will then have to enter the details of the expenses incurred during the mission, with related receipts, so that the office responsible for the settlement of the expenses can proceed, after checking, with the reimbursement of the same.
Q. Does the procedure remain the same in the case of online conferences/congresses?
A. As it is not a mission, it is not possible to use the U_web Missioni platform. For registrations to online conferences/congresses, a refund request has to be submitted to Luigi Mazzardo (luigi.mazzardo@unipv.it) and Barbara Torti (barbara.torti@unipv.it), enclosing the payment receipt of the registration and proof of participation.
Q. Which “Type of request” do the Ph.D. funds fall into?
A. In the mission authorization form, in the "Type of request" section, the doctoral student funds fall under the "RIC-Ricerca" case.
Q. Do the Ph.D. students have to send the request via email to the Supervisor and the Ph.D. Coordinator to inform them and obtain the appropriate authorization?
A. If the Supervisor is also a Department Director, the Director has received the notification from U_web missions has already authorized the absence. If the Supervisor is not also the Director of the Department, it is advisable to upload the authorization of the Supervisor and the Director of the Ph.D. in the attachments of the mission request.