Expected time framework to become Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Economics & Management

Year t (where t is intended as calendar year, e.g. 2020)

May/June: application

June/July: selection process

August/September: enrollment 

October: start of courses


Year t+1

May: end of all courses & choice of tutor and supervisor

July 15, t+1: research proposal (to be sent to the PhD Board, phd-aem@unipv.it)

September: admission to the second year, based on course assignments and research proposal

December: presentation of the first paper at the PhD Winter workshop 


Year t+2

September: admission to the third year, based on research progress

December: presentation of the second paper at the PhD Winter workshop


Year t+3

June: presentation of the third paper at the PhD Summer workshop

September: submission of the PhD thesis

December: feedback from reviewers


Year t+4

Spring: complete the requested revisions

July: PhD viva

WORKSHOPS: During PhD Workshops, students will present their work and will receive feedback from a dedicated discussant.