Academic teaching (since 2017)

Here you can find the official student evaluations of my courses in the academic year 21/22:
General Psychology


Cognitive Psychology


Master’s Program in Psychology, Neuroscience and Human Sciences. 

University of Pavia (Italy) & University School for Advanced Studies (IUSS, Italy). 

Doctorate School in Cognitive Brain Sciences.

University of Pavia (Italy) & University School for Advanced Studies (IUSS, Italy). 

Bachelor's Program in Psychological Studies and Techniques.

University of Pavia (Italy).

Bachelor's Program in Psychological Studies and Techniques.

University of Pavia (Italy).


Master's Program in Experimental Psychology. 

University of Pavia (Italy). 

Doctorate School in Psychology, Linguistics and Cognitive Neuroscience. 

University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy). 

Master’s Program in Applied Experimental Psychological Sciences, Department of Psychology.

University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy).