Link to my Google Scholar page here.

Representative publications



58. Gatti, D., Günther, F., & Rinaldi, L. (in press). A body map beyond perceptual experience. Journal of Cognition.[preprint] 

57. Gatti, D., Marelli, M., & Rinaldi, L. (in press). Predicting hand movements with distributional semantics: evidence from mouse-tracking. Cognitive Science. [preprint] 

56. Gatti, D., Rinaldi, L., Mazzoni, G., & Vecchi, T. (in press). Semantic and episodic processes differently predict false memories in the DRM task. Scientific Reports. [preprint] 

55. Abbondanza, M., Amenta, S., Rinaldi, L., & Marelli, M. (in press). Time is -ending: Sub-lexical information activates the horizontal Mental Time Line in word processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition

54. Gatti, D., Rinaldi, L., Vecchi, T., & Ferrari, C. (2023). Understanding cerebellar cognitive and social functions: methodological challenges and new directions for future transcranial magnetic stimulation studies. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 53, 101300.

53. Perrone, S., Rinaldi, L., Gatti, D., & Girelli, L. (2023). Temporal perception in closed skills sports: an experimental study on elite swimmers and runners. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 69, 102500.

52. Conte, F., Rinaldi, L.,  Gerosa, T., Mondini, S., Costantini, G., & Girelli, L. (2023). Cognitive Reserve Potential: Capturing Cognitive Resilience Capability in Adolescence. Assesment

51. Gatti, D., Marelli, M., & Rinaldi, L. (2023). Out-of-vocabulary but not meaningless: Evidence for semantic-priming effects in pseudoword processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152, 851–863. [pdf]

50. Körner, A., Castillo, M., Drijvers, L., Fischer, M.H., Günther, F., Marelli,M., Platonova, O., Rinaldi, L., Shaki, S., Trujillo, J.P., Tsaregorodtseva, O., & Glenberg, A.M. (2023). Examining the Body in Language: Behavioral Methods at Six Linguistic Granularity Levels. Journal of Cognition.

49. Gatti, D., Marelli, M., Vecchi, T. & Rinaldi, L. (2022). Spatial representations without spatial computations. Psychological Science, 33, 1947–1958. [pdf]

48. Gatti, D., Rinaldi, L., Marelli, M., & Vecchi, T. (2022). Cerebellar involvement in distributional semantic learning: insights from a combined TMS-computational approach. Brain Stimulation, 15, 999-1001. [pdf]

47. Gatti, D., Marelli, M., Mazzoni, G., Vecchi, T. & Rinaldi, L. (2022). Hands-on false memories: A combined study with distributional semantics and mouse-tracking. Psychological Research. [pdf]

46. Gatti, D., Stagnitto, S.M., Basile, C., Mazzoni, G., Vecchi, T., Rinaldi, L., & Lecce, S. (2022). Individual differences in theory of mind correlate with the occurrence of false memory: a study with the DRM task. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.

45. Günther, F., & Rinaldi, L., (2022). Language statistics as a window into mental representations. Scientific Reports, 12, 8043. [pdf]

44. Adriano, A., Rinaldi, L., & Girelli, L. (2022). Spatial frequency equalization does not prevent spatial-numerical associations. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 29, 1492–1502. [pdf]

43. Rinaldi, L., Parente, L., & Marelli, M. (2022). Toward a unified account of non-symbolic and symbolic representations of number: Insights from a combined psychophysical-computational approach. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 29, 985–994.  [pdf]

42. Gatti, D., Rinaldi, L., Marelli, M., Mazzoni, G., & Vecchi, T. (2022). Decomposing the semantic processes underpinning veridical and false memories. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151, 363–389. [pdf]

41. Adriano, A., Rinaldi, L., & Girelli, L. (2022). Non-symbolic numerosity in sets with illusory contours exploits a context-sensitive, but contrast-insensitive, visual boundary formation process. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 84, 205-220. [pdf]

40  Adriano, A., Girelli, L., & Rinaldi, L. (2022). Number is not just an illusion: Discrete numerosity is encoded independently from perceived size. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 29, 123-133. [pdf]

39. Abbondanza, M., Rinaldi, L., Foppolo, F., & Marelli, M. (2021). The mental representation of non-numerical quantifiers: The Spatial-Linguistic Association of Response Codes (SLARC) effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 47, 2021–2028. [pdf]

38. Gatti, D., Rinaldi, L., Ferreri, L., & Vecchi, T. (2021).  The human cerebellum as a hub of the predictive brain. Brain Sciences, 11, 1492. [pdf]

37. Gatti, D., Rinaldi, L., Cristea, I., & Vecchi, T. (2021). Probing cerebellar involvement in cognition through a meta-analysis of TMS evidence. Scientific Reports, 11, 14777. [pdf]

36. Adriano, A., Girelli, L., & Rinaldi, L. (2021). Ratio-effect in visual numerosity comparison is preserved despite spatial frequency equalization. Vision Research, 183, 42-52. [pdf]

35. Adriano, A., Girelli, L., & Rinaldi, L. (2021). Non-symbolic numerosity encoding escapes spatial frequency equalization. Psychological Research. [pdf]

34.  Adriano, A., Rinaldi, L., & Girelli, L. (2021). Visual illusions as a tool to hijack numerical perception: Disentangling non-symbolic number from its continuous visual properties. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 47, 423-441. [pdf]

33.  Rinaldi, L., & Marelli, M. (2020). Maps and space are entangled with language experience. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 24, 835-855. [pdf

32Rinaldi, L., Ciricugno, A., Merabet, L., Vecchi, T., & Cattaneo, Z. (2020). The Effect of Blindness on Spatial Asymmetries. Brain Sciences, 10, 662. [pdf

31. Conte, F., Costantini, G., Rinaldi, L., Gerosa, T., & Girelli, L. (2020). Intellect is not that expensive: differential association of cultural and socio-economic factors with crystallized intelligence in a sample of Italian adolescents. Intelligence, 81, 101466. [pdf

30. Rinaldi, L., Di Luca, S., Toneatto, C., & Girelli, L. (2020). The effects of hemispheric dominance, literacy acquisition and handedness on the development of visuospatial attention: a study in preschoolers and second graders. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 195. [pdf]

29. Petilli, M.A., Rinaldi, L., Trisolini, D., Girelli, L., Vecchio, L.P. & Daini, R. (2020). How difficult is it for adolescents to maintain attention? The differential effects of video games and sports. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73, 968-982. [pdf]

28. Lega, C., Cattaneo, Z., Ancona, N., Vecchi, T., & Rinaldi, L. (2020). Instrumental expertise and musical timbre modulate the spatial representation of pitch. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73, 1162-1172. [pdf]

27. Rinaldi, L., & Marelli, M. (2020). The use of number words in natural language obeys Weber’s law. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149, 215-230. [pdf

26. Günther, F., Rinaldi, L., & Marelli, M. (2019). Vector-Space Models of Semantic Representation From a Cognitive Perspective: A Discussion of Common Misconceptions. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 14, 1006-1033. [pdf

25.  Ciricugno, A., Rinaldi, L., Vecchi, T., Merabet, L., & Cattaneo, Z. (2019). The role of binocular vision in driving pseudoneglect in visual and haptic bisection: evidence from strabismic and monocular blind individuals. Multisensory Research, 1, 1-19. [pdf

24. Nava, E., Rinaldi, L., Bulf, H., & Macchi Cassia, V. (2018). The spatial representation of numbers and time follow distinct developmental trajectories: A study in 6- and 10-year-old children. Cognitive Development, 48, 52-61.  [pdf

23. Rinaldi, L., Merabet, L., Vecchi, T., & Cattaneo, Z. (2018). The spatial representation of number, time, and serial order following sensory deprivation: a systematic review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 90, 371-380. [pdf

22. Rinaldi, L., Bertolini, G., Bockisch, C.J., Maravita, A., Girelli, L., & Brugger, P. (2018). More far is more right: Manual and ocular line bisections, but not the Judd illusion, depend on radial space. Brain and Cognition, 122, 34-44. [pdf

21. Cattaneo, Z., Lega, C., Rinaldi, L., Merabet, L., Ferrari, C., & Vecchi, T. (2018). The Spatial Musical Association of Response Codes does not depend on a normal visual experience: a study with early blind individuals. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 80, 813-821[pdf

20. Cattaneo, Z., Rinaldi, L., Geraci, C., Cecchetto, C., & Papagno, C. (2018). Spatial biases in deaf, blind and deafblind individuals as revealed by a haptic line bisection task. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.  [pdf

19. Rinaldi, L., Maggioni, E., Olivero, N., Maravita, A., & Girelli, L. (2018). Smelling the space around us: Odor pleasantness shifts visuospatial attention in humans. Emotion, 18, 971-979.  [pdf

18. Rinaldi, L., Locati, F., Parolin, L., & Girelli, L. (2017). Distancing the present self from the past and future: Psychological distance in anxiety and depression. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70, 1106-113.  [pdf

17. Rinaldi, L., Vecchi, T., Fantino, M., Merabet, L., & Cattaneo, Z. (2017). The ego-moving metaphor of time relies on visual experience: no representation of time along the sagittal space in the blind. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 147, 444-450[pdf

16. Nava, E., Rinaldi, L., Bulf, H., & Macchi Cassia, V. (2017). Visual and proprioceptive feedback differently modulate the spatial representation of number and time in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 161, 161-177.  [pdf

15. Rinaldi, L., & Karmiloff-Smith, A. (2017). Intelligence as a Developing Function: A Neuroconstructivist Approach. Journal of Intelligence, 5, 1-26.  [pdf

14. Rinaldi, L., & Girelli, L. (2017). A bodily sense of magnitude. Commentary: From ‘sense of number’ to ‘sense of magnitude’ – The role of continuous magnitudes in numerical cognition. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 652.  [pdf

13. Tobia, V., Rinaldi, L., & Marzocchi, G.M. (2016). Time processing impairments in preschoolers at risk of developing difficulties in mathematics. Developmental Science.  [pdf

12.  Rinaldi, L. (2016). Rescuing my time from science. Science, 354, 1666.  [pdf

11. Rinaldi, L., & Girelli, L. (2016). A Place for Zero in the Brain. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 8, 563-564.  [pdf

10. Girelli, L., Perrone, G., Croccolo, F., Roman, E.H., Bricolo, E., Mancin, M., & Rinaldi, L. (2016). Manual actions cover symbolic distances at different speed. Acta Psychologica, 169, 56-60.  [pdf

9. Rinaldi, L., Di Luca, S., Henik, A., & Girelli, L. (2016). A helping hand putting in order: Visuomotor routines organize numerical and non-numerical sequences in space. Cognition, 152, 40-52.  [pdf

8. Rinaldi, L., Locati, F., Bernardi, N.F., Parolin, L., & Girelli, L. (2016). Walking on a mental time line: Temporal processing affects step movements along the sagittal space. Cortex, 78, 170-173.  [pdf]       *Selected for the journal cover page

7. Rinaldi, L., Gallucci, M., & Girelli, L. (2016). Spatial-numerical consistency impacts on preschoolers’ numerical representation: children can count on both peripersonal and personal space. Cognitive Development, 37, 9-17.   [pdf

6.  Rinaldi, L., Lega, C., Cattaneo, Z., Girelli, L. & Bernardi, N.F. (2016). Grasping the sound: Auditory pitch influences size processing in motor planning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42, 11-22.  [pdf

5. Rinaldi, L., Vecchi, T., Fantino, M., Merabet, L., & Cattaneo, Z. (2015). The effect of hand movements on numerical bisection judgments in early blind and sighted individuals. Cortex, 71, 76-84.  [pdf

4. Rinaldi, L., Brugger, P., Bockisch, C. J., Bertolini, G., & Girelli, L. (2015). Keeping an eye on serial order: ocular movements bind space and time. Cognition, 142, 291-298.  [pdf

3. Rinaldi, L., Di Luca, S., Henik, A. & Girelli, L. (2014). Reading direction shifts visuo-spatial attention: an Interactive Account of attentional biases. Acta Psychologica, 151, 98-105.   [pdf

2. Rinaldi, L., & Girelli, L. (2012). Il ruolo dell’Associazione Numeri-Spazio nella competenza numerica prescolare [The role of Number-Space Association in preschoolers’ numerical competence]. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 4, 931-940.  [pdf

1. Previtali, P., Rinaldi, L., & Girelli, L. (2011). Nature or Nurture in finger counting: a review on the determinants of the direction of number-finger mapping. Frontiers in Cognition, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00363.  [pdf