
The ReMap Lab embarks on a captivating journey to unveil the enigmatic depths of human memory. Our quest transcends conventional boundaries, fueled by a special passion for untangling the intricate link between spatial and semantic memory

Our mission is to unravel the learning mechanisms that shape our knowledge and gain a deep understanding of how our minds skillfully navigate the complex landscape of memory representations.


Over the past years, our extensive research efforts have involved the integration of predominantly computational methods, specifically employing distributional semantics models within the realm of natural language. This multifaceted approach has seamlessly merged with behavioral and eye-tracking techniques. 

Due to the support from various grants, our laboratory is poised to progress by embracing a groundbreaking interdisciplinary strategy. This entails integrating our established approach with cutting-edge technologies such as fMRI, TMS-EEG, and intracranial EEG. Additionally, our research endeavors will specifically target sensory-deprived populations.