Fourth-Generation Knowledge Districts 2024

20-21 May 2024, Campinas, SP

Scientific Sessions

The presentation of scientific articles will take place on the first day of the congress, May 20th. There will be two parallel sessions in the morning (11:20 am-12:50 pm) and two parallel sessions in the afternoon (2:10 pm-3:40 pm). Please refer to the schedule below for more details.
Sessions 1 and 3 will be held in Auditorium I and will not be broadcast or have simultaneous translation. On the other hand, Sessions 2 and 4 will be held in Auditorium III. They will be broadcast and simultaneous translation will be provided.


For those presenting posters, they will be displayed in the Convention Center's hall and may remain there throughout the duration of the conference. We ask that during the two Coffee Breaks on May 20th you stand next to your posters to present them and answer questions. You are welcome to do the same on the 21st if you so wish. Posters must have a frame and string to be affixed to the pedestals that we will make available.
