Fourth-Generation Knowledge Districts 2024

20-21 May 2024, Campinas, SP

During the FGKD24 event we have received donations for the CECOM campaign to help Rio Grande do Sul.


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20/05/2024, morning

20/05/2024, afternoon

21/05/2024, morning

21/05/2024, afternoon

FGKD24: Fourth-Generation Knowledge Districts 2024 Conference

FGKD24 (Fourth Generation Knowledge Districts 2024) will be the 1st International Conference of CEUCI (The Center for Studies on Urbanization for Knowledge and Innovation).

Invented in the second half of the 20th century, technology parks are urban areas that bring together enterprises aimed at promoting science, technology and innovation, through the approximation of three agents: knowledge production centers (universities and research labs), productive sector (companies and industry) and public authorities. More recently, this term has been replaced by knowledge territories, a broader concept that involves two new actors: society and the environment. The objective of FGKD24 is to bring together society and actors from the triple helix, typically associated with technology parks, to discuss this new, broader model of fourth generation knowledge districts, based on the quintuple helix (government, universities, private companies, society and the natural environment).

The conference will be streamed online by Centro de Convenções da UNICAMP and supported by UNICAMP's general administration. 

The main sessions will have Portuguese-English translation and Brazilian Sign Language translation.

You can reach out to Conference Chairs and Organizers at the email address

Keynote Speakers

Benamy Turkienicz

Elfide Mariela Rivas-Gómez

Flavia Curvelo

Lars Coenen

Rofin Serrà

Victor Eskinazi

For more info please visit Keynote Speakers page.

Conference Topics

Conference topics include, but are not limited to:

Urban design and planning in (or applicable to) knowledge districts

Sustainability and ecosystem in (or applicable to) knowledge districts

Economic and social development in (or applicable to) knowledge districts

Placemaking in (or applicable to) knowledge districts

Scientific/organizing committee

Adriane Eloah da Costa, FECFAU-Unicamp
Ana Maria Girotti Sperandio, FECFAU-Unicamp, Prof. Dr.
Beatriz Martins Arruda, FECFAU-Unicamp, MSc.
Laura Monasterio, IASP, MSc.
Emilia Wanda Rutkowski, FECFAU-Unicamp, Prof. Dr.
Evandro Ziggiatti Monteiro, FECFAU-Unicamp, Prof. Dr.
Gabriela Celani, FECFAU-Unicamp, Prof. Dr. (Co-chair)

Jonathas Magalhães Pereira da Silva, PUCCamp, Prof. Dr.
Laura Martins de Carvalho, FECFAU-Unicamp, Dr.
Luana Mattos de Oliveira Cruz, FECFAU-Unicamp, Prof. Dr.
Luciana Bongiovani Schenk, IAU-USP, Prof. Dr.
Marcela Noronha Pinto de Oliveira e Sousa, FECFAU-Unicamp, Dr.
Maria Conceição Silvério Pires, Campinas Municipality, Dr.
Milena Pavan Serafim, FCA-Unicamp, Prof. Dr. (Chair)
Patricia Nunes da Silva Mariuzzo, IE-Unicamp, Dr.
Paulo Curado, Director of Innovation at CPQD, MSc.
Solange Lisegle Schulz Staut, FECFAU-Unicamp, MSc.
Regina Tirello, FECFAU-Unicamp, Profa. Dr.
Sidney Piochi Bernardini, FECFAU-Unicamp, Prof. Dr.
Silvia Mikami Pina, FECFAU-Unicamp, Prof. Dr.
Silvia Regina Stuchi Cruz, FECFAU-Unicamp, Dr.
Thalita Dalbelo, DEPI/CSUS-Unicamp, Dr.
Zahra Alinam, FECFAU-Unicamp, Dr.

Reviewers board

Ana Maria Frattini Fileti, Inova-Unicamp, Prof. Dr.

Ana Maria Sperandio, FECFAU-Unicamp, Prof. Dr.

Andréa Mussi, Atitus Educação, Dr.

António Leitão, University of Lisbon, Prof. Dr.

Arimatéa Ximenes, CIFOR-ICRAF, Dr.

Arivaldo Amorim, Federal University of Bahia, Prof. Dr.

Armindo dos Santos de Sousa Teodósio, ICEG- PUC MINAS, Prof. Dr.

Daniel Cardoso, Federal University of Ceará, Prof. Dr.

David Sperling, USP, Prof. Dr.


Evandro Cristofoletti, DPCT-UNICAMP, Prof. Dr.

Evandro Ziggiatti Monteiro, FECFAU-Unicamp, Prof. Dr.

Fernando Lima, Belmont University, Prof. Dr.

Gabriela Celani, FECFAU-Unicamp, Prof. Dr.

Gerald Augusto Corzo, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Prof. Dr.

Gonçalo Castro Henriques, UFRJ, LAMO-PROURB, Dr.

José Gilberto Dalfré Filho, FECFAU-Unicamp, Prof. Dr.

Juarez Moara Santos Franco, UFRRJ, Prof. Dr.

Juliana Leite, FCA-UNICAMP, Profa. Dra.

Laura de Carvalho, FECFAU-Unicamp, Dr.

Luana Mattos de Oliveira Cruz, FECFAU-Unicamp, Prof. Dr.

Maisa Almeida, IAU-USP, Dra.

Marcela Noronha Pinto de Oliveira e Sousa, FECFAU-Unicamp, Dr.

Maycon Sedrez, Deakin University. Prof. Dr.

Milena Serafim, FCA-UNICAMP, Profa. Dra.

Mine Özkar, Istanbul Technical University, Prof. Dr.

Rafael Freiria, Unicamp, Prof. Dr.

Robson Moreno, LAPLAN-UFABC, Dr.

Rodrigo Toledo, FCA- UNICAMP, Prof. Dr.

Sidney Bernardini, FECFAU-Unicamp, Prof. Dr.

Silvia Mikami Pina,  FECFAU-Unicamp, Prof. Dr.

Silvia Stuchi, FECFAU-Unicamp, Dr.

Thais Dibbern, Unicamp, Dr.

Thalita Dalbelo, DEPI/CSUS-Unicamp, Dr.

Vivian Bardini, FT-UNICAMP, Profa. Dra.

William Machado Emiliano, FT-UNICAMP, Prof. Dr.

Zahra Alinam, FECFAU-Unicamp, Dr.