3.1 How to Tell the Story

The Story – Interpretation

Story telling is a skill based on the concept of interpretation. The National Association of Interpretation defines interpretation as …

a communication process that forges emotional and intellectual connections between the interests of the audience and the inherent meanings in the resource

Traditionally, interpretation is a practice used by natural and cultural attraction personnel and volunteers, such as National Park Rangers and museum guides, to communicate a message or story to their audience. Taking this definition and directly applying the idea of interpretation to the wine industry, we can define wine and winery interpretation as ...

a communication process that cultivates emotional and intellectual connections between the interests of the guests and the wine and winery

In essence, you take facts and information about the wine (i.e., grapes or fruit used and production techniques used, flavors, aromas, etc.) and the winery (i.e., winery history or facility information) and convey them to guests in an informative and entertaining manner (story telling). Throughout this module the more informal term, story telling, will be used in place of interpretation.

The Goal of the Story

Think of story telling as a guided conversation with you as the leader. You should have an idea of what you want to be your destination or end of the story and move the conversation to that end. While you have your conversation with the guests, pay attention to their reactions (both verbal and non-verbal). If they ask questions, then they are engaged and want information. If they are not asking questions or seem disengaged, then modify the information you are giving them. Remember that all guests are different. Some will want to learn and others just want to taste the wine. Story telling is all about meeting the guests where they are and guiding them to the end ... ideally a purchase. 




Now let's pause for a minute to review the ideas we have just covered. Read each question below and select what you believe is the correct answer. When finished, look below the last question for the correct answers. 

1. When talking with the guests about the wine and winery, it is important to remember that information follows the simplest path. Therefore, you should  ….

a. talk about what is important to the guests

b. talk about what you think is important about the winery

c. talk about what is important to the winery

d. make sure that you give the guests as much information as possible (even if they seem disinterested)


2. The chief aim of your conversation with the guest is ….

a. Consumption (drink something)

b. Entertainment (enjoy something)

c. Instruction (learn something)

d. Provocation (do something)


3. Which of the following is/are action(s) you want your guests to do as a result of your conversation?

a. buy wine

b. join the wine club

c. tell their friends about the wine

d. all the above

Did you get them all? The answers are: 1. a; 2. d; and 3. d.

This is the end of the first section in Module 3. When you feel ready, move on to the next section by clicking the following link. Presentation Skills