1.2 Describing Various Profiles and Motives of Winery Visitors

Winery visitors have varied backgrounds and personalities, as well as different needs and expectations for their visit to your winery. Some of your visitors have a lot of wine knowledge, while others may be visiting a winery for the very first time. Some visitors come from close by to enjoy a day out with friends or family and some visitors are from far away, seeking an enjoyable activity as part of their tourist visit to the region.

Some visitors are product-focused; they may be looking to taste the newest wines produced by your winery or to buy a special wine for an important occasion in their lives. Your goal is to listen and learn enough about each visitor to be able to give your visitors what they want, each and every time they step though your winery door. The diagram below identifies some of the common reasons people visit wineries; also, they may be tourists or local visitors, with different goals in mind.

As you can imagine, there are some specific visitor characteristics that help us to figure out how to have a successful encounter with a tasting room guest. The video that you will watch next will give you an overview of common customer profiles to keep in mind as you welcome visitors to your winery. You will meet Paul (The Wine Expert); Karen (The Socializer); George (The Dinner Host); Lee (The Tourist); and Rose (The Shopper). Each one approaches the winery visit in a uniquely personal way.

You will explore the most important reasons that people visit wineries and you will develop a stronger understanding of how individual customer motivations affect the success of a winery visit. Please click on the video to watch it.

Winery Customer Profiles.mp4

If you have finished watching the video, it's time to check your understanding. Which answers do you choose for the following questions?

1. What are some main reasons people visit wineries?

a. to taste or buy wines

b. to relax in a nice place

c. to socialize with others

d. all of the above

2. People like Paul and Lee who have higher wine knowledge typically want:

a. deeper information about wines and how they are produced

b. special discounts and low-priced wines by the glass

c. a good time without worrying about what wines they are drinking

d. a restaurant on site at the winery

3. Loyal customers like Paul and Rose typically want:

a. high-priced wines for their personal wine collections

b. a tour of the winery every time they visit

c. personal recognition from the winery staff

d. information about tourist attractions in the area

Answers: 1. d; 2. a; and 3.c.

When you feel ready, move on to the next section by clicking the following link.

Identifying specific moments of truth in the tasting room