Understanding the Role of a Teaching Assistant

Teaching assistants are an important part of the classroom. Universities and schools in the United States and around the world require TA positions in courses as a main part of their educational process. In general, the overall idea of being a TA is to assist instructors of record (usually faculty members) with instructional responsibilities.

CCI in particular has courses in both undergraduate and graduate levels with different learning styles and materials ranging from theoretical to technical and project-based. In addition, some courses have in class activities, while other courses are administered through online platforms. This variety in classes creates several TA roles and responsibilities and provides great opportunities for TAs in CCI to improve their skills and gain experience in teaching.

Roles and Qualities of a Teaching Assistant

Teaching assistant roles largely depend the instructor as what you'll be doing is associated with what your instructor needs are. With this is mind we have compiled a list of potentials roles you might be given as a TA in CCI. For most TAs, you'll have the basic two roles of holding office hours and grading assignments. As these two roles are quite universal to most TAs we have developed separate sections on each of these roles where we dive deeper into these roles and how you can successfully navigate them. Further, some of the other roles mentioned below relate to other chapters in CCI Wisdom book and have been linked for so that you can take a more detailed look at what the role might entail.

Holding office hours

Holding office hours & Schedule weekly time slots for students. Guide students through topics they are struggling with. Conduct a group office hour session before exams.


Grade assignments, quizzes and exams consistently and without bias. Provide feedback the students can use to improve the understanding and quality of their work. Communicate with the instructor for grading issues.

Preparing course materials and content

Help design the course, develop a course syllabus based on learning objectives, and prepare materials such as projects, activities, and new modules. Post class announcements, add online content (Canvas), and upload files and resources.

Leading class discussions

Create in class and/or online discussions by asking questions about a topic or sharing knowledge. Oversee the flow of the discussions and answer questions. Encourage students to participate.

Conducting lab sessions

Know lab procedures and provide a perfect environment in which students can work and learn. Prepare the lab for students before the class session. Post instructions for lab assignment and projects. Prepare lab material and learn how to guide students' thinking.

Communicating with students

Keep track of the progress of each student in class. Be proactive in asking students if they need help. Make students aware of ways to communicate with the instructor and TAs.


[1] Schuldt, H. (2007). Collected Wisdom Strategies And Resources From TAsFor TAAs Carnegie Mellon University:https://www.cmu.edu/teaching/resources/PublicationsArchives/CollectedWisdom/collectwisdom-teachingstrategies.pdf

[2] TA Handbook, University of California Santa Cruz (2017):https://graddiv.ucsc.edu/current-students/pdfs/ta-handbook.pdf

[3]The TA’s Guide to Effective Teaching at UC Davis (2017):https://cee.ucdavis.edu/sites/g/files/dgvnsk5371/files/files/event/TAGUIDE_2018.pdf

[4]Park*, C. (2004). The graduate teaching assistant (GTA): Lessons from North American experience. Teaching in Higher Education, 9(3), 349-361.https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/1356251042000216660?casa_token=LImNfRWxW0EAAAAA:Kz_JgmV5JqX4cOPxge-m0XZmHg43Ll0uVzt_3ZZ-YnjFWm_fY9OpzkX7rxpae6txVik_dOvWSyMfcA

[5]Teacher Assistant Job Description (2019):https://www.betterteam.com/teacher-assistant-job-description

[6]Teaching Assistant Handbook At Computer Science Department At Florida State University:https://www.cs.fsu.edu/department/resources/teachinghandbook/

[7]How Do I Become a College Teaching Assistant (TA)? (2020) GradSchoolHub:https://www.gradschoolhub.com/faqs/how-do-i-become-a-college-teaching-assistant-ta

[8]General Information For Graduate Teaching Assistants. Department of Mathematics and Statistics at UNCC:https://math.uncc.edu/graduate-program-information/graduate-resources/teaching-assistant-handbook

[9]Graduate Teaching Assistant Handbook. Graduate School at UNCC:https://ece.uncc.edu/sites/ece.uncc.edu/files/media/uncc-ta-handbook2012.pdf