
The main goal of in-school instrumental music instruction is to not only instill a sound appreciation for music, but also to reinforce critical thinking skills and provide learning strategies which will ultimately assist students to become successful and independent life-long learners. Instrumental music lessons often mark the beginning of a lifetime of studying and playing a musical instrument.  When a student decides to play a musical instrument, they will learn through a variety of "hands-on" activities. Lesson plans are standards-based and are specially designed to suite the individual needs and potentials of each student. 

Instrumental Music Lesson Schedule

Weekly Lesson Assignments

Each week your child's practice assignment is posted in their instrumental music Google Classroom.  After completing their weekly practice, students must "Mark as Done" in Google Classroom.  Practice assignments are due the day before their assigned lesson day.

Recommended Weekly Practice Time for Beginners:

Progress Reports

Your child will receive an Instrumental Music Progress Report at the end of each Trimester.  The Instrumental Music Progress Report is currently a hard copy (paper), and is separate from their Academic Report Card (digital).