Women in Surgery Interest Group

Mission Statement

WISIG will help support female identified medical students who are pursuing careers in surgery by providing exceptional mentorship opportunities with other female identified residents and attendings at our school.

Upcoming Events

Global surgery Panel (Collaborating with Global Student Surgery Alliance): 9/22, 5pm, Zoom registration

Male allyship panel: Lunch hour during week of 11/16 (more to come)

Association of Women Surgeons day of service: TBD

Women in surgery panel: TBD

Professional development night: Spring semester

Matched MS4 panel: Spring semester

Resident-medical student social hour: TBD

Kim Ephgrave Vising Professor Program (Speaker Dr. Marion Henry): TBD, More information on program


Women in Surgery Interest Group (WISIG) is a new group at the University of Minnesota Medical School. Founded in spring 2019 by University of Minnesota medical students Lena Trager and Hawa Ali, WISIG is a student chapter of the national Association of Women Surgeons.

Principal activities include lunch lectures with panels of female surgeons, fall Professional Development Night, annual Day of Service, student-surgeon happy hours, and collaborations with other groups including the Surgery Interest Group, Global Health Interest Group, and Women in Medicine. Future plans include the creation of a spring research conference and Women in Surgery Symposium.

Meet Our Members

Suture Kit Sales Information

Coming Soon!

Getting Involved

If you are a MS2 interested in joining our board, contact leadership at schoe709@umn.edu.

If you are a MS1, we encourage you to sign up for our listserv, and to stay posted for leadership turnover in February-March.

If you are part of another student group who would like to collaborate with WISIG on an event, email our leadership at schoe709@umn.edu

Professionalism Drive

Women in Surgery Interest Group has compiled a Professional Development Drive as a guide to assist University of Minnesota medical students explore their interests in surgical specialties. These resources can be used as a starting point to gain concrete information about surgery as a career. The drive includes lecture handouts, with wisdom and tips from University of Minnesota surgeons and residents. This drive also includes a physician contact database with communication guides for research and observation opportunities to connect medical students with current faculty and research projects. We hope this guide encourages student engagement with the field of surgery and allows for exploration of surgical subspecialties with preparation for a residency or future career within a surgical field. We welcome any students to use this drive even if you aren’t a member of the Women in Surgery Interest Group. In return, we would appreciate your attendance at future WISIG events and encourage you to continue to support female peers interested in surgery.